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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Did you also download and deploy those updates already?
  2. Most often I've seen that problem in combination with connection issues. Have there be some proxy changes, or something like that?
  3. Please provide some more information about the setup of your software update deployment.
  4. To get the boot images on the DP, select Deploy this boot image from the PXE-enabled distribution in the Data Source tab of the boot image properties. Also, make sure to distribute the boot image to the DP.
  5. Either makes sure you've got something to manage those lclients like they're online, by using something like VPN or DirectAccess. Or you have to think about Internet Based Client Management, which also requires a lot of certificates.
  6. What exactly are you expecting and trying to achieve? The first time the ADR runs it will create the software update group and if needed the deployments. It won't add to one of the software update groups that you previously created.
  7. You should be reluctant to dive into SQL to fix stuff. In that case I would advise you to do the same as the guy from that article, create a CSS call and let MS fix it. That the only supported road for a SQL edit. About your initial question, if you're looking for only specific set of client that need to be "locked" to specific MP(s), you can also look at this for a static solution: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/set-the-allowed-management-points-via-a-configuration-item-in-configmgr-2012/
  8. Yes, I'm suggesting to remove the folders in the Update repository. The easiest way to search for the same updates every month again is to create searches by adding criteria (like product, expired, supersedence) and saving those searches to reuse them again.
  9. It gives you the ability to use the MDT scripts in an easy way via the console. Basically it creates a console extention for creating custom MDT bootimages and it gives you extra task sequence steps.
  10. Have a look at this post by Nico Sienaert: http://scug.be/nico/2014/05/22/deny-windows-phone-apps-with-configuration-manager-intune/
  11. The ConfigMgr client uses local policies and an agent to scan and deploy updates on the scheduled time.
  12. The folders you're creating don't really add anything to the deplooyment process. In the Update repository I would simply use searches to find the applicable updates. After that you can add them to the different groups and packages (as one update can be part of multiple groups and packages).
  13. It's about the operating system running on the device. The Surface Pro 3 runs Windows 8(.1 Update) and that's a fully supported operating system for ConfigMgr.
  14. One early advice, tackle the issues one-by-one. When your batch file only starts the MSI, I would definitly get rid of it. Simply create and application within ConfigMgr, import the MSI and a standard command line will be created for you. That command line should be enough to run the biggest part of the standard MSI's.
  15. If you mean by off-site clients, that they're not connected via the corporate network (by something like VPN) then simply setting-up a remote SUP won't help you.
  16. You can run the packages created for MDT 2012 and MDT 2013 simultatneously, but only one version can be installed and integrated with ConfigMgr.
  17. Also, keep in mind that you can also look at the client log files for more information about the errors.
  18. Let's start with that a task sequence is indeed the only method to provide credentials to an action. Can you provide some more information about, why you are using a vbscript to run the MSI and not just run the MSI?
  19. When there are new updates available for Adobe, you need to import them in SCUP. Then publish them to WSUS and let ConfigMgr sync with WSUS.
  20. Yes, it should also work between different domains. Also, I think it's the only way for you to migrate the objects. Usually, you can also use a backup-restore action, but as you're moving between domains that's not a supported possibility.
  21. When you're not getting an Ip, you're network driver is definitly your problem. Make sure you're using the right version and also for the right operating system.
  22. When you are targetting devices the machine policy retrieval will trigger the client to look for new policies (that can be anything from deployments to settings).
  23. Works like a charm! Also, I did the same by simply using the install.wim and that also works like a charm!
  24. That's indeed one possibility. Just keep in mind that you shouldn't add more then a 1000 updates to one update group / deployment / package.
  25. You can use the migration jobs to migrate your objects from one environment to another.
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