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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. An easy way to create that is by using the MDT integration.
  2. True, the Find Site button will always make a search on the AD for a site. The only way, in your current setup, to specify a site (server) to a client is by specifying it during the installation.
  3. Did you configure your Software Update Point to synchronize the Windows 8 updates?
  4. SCCM 2007 is very restricted with its support for SQL 2012 (let alone SP1). Take a look here for all the restrictions: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee344146.aspx
  5. It should uninstall the old application when it finds it (and when you of course specified that it should uninstall the old version).
  6. Almost correct, it will install during the first available maintenance window after the deadline. Before the deadline the application is not mandatory yet, so it won't install automatically.
  7. The first part is definitely possible, but the second part is not possible via USMT. USMT doesn't check for file ownership.
  8. Where did you read that it also applies to Windows 8.1?
  9. Not out-of-the-box. The only thing I can think of is creating a script that will read the file, write something to WMI, or registry and pick that information up with an inventory.
  10. From a SCCM perspective you can only use CCMSetup.exe /ExcludeFeatures:ClientUI to prevent it from installing. Using GPO's you could use preferences to remove a file/shortcut.
  11. Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are not supported with SCCM 2007, see also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee344146.aspx
  12. Well, your clients select a MP at random. So it's possible that clients select that MP and sent all their information over the WAN.
  13. That a client is not connected does not mean that it doesn't perform its inventories. The information will be send to server, when connected.
  14. When the site is not functioning as it should be, then there is not another option. Otherwise it could be an option to restore a backup. You first option is the best/ easiest from the two.
  15. You can't via the application model, because an application always has to check for existence... This sounds like a valid action for an old-school package and program.
  16. As an add-on to these suggestions, you could also use Orchestrator for doing the AD calls.
  17. Unknown computer support does not enable a popup that asks for a computer name... If you get a popup for a OSDComputerName, you've probably configured a collection variable for that.
  18. Check the client installation logs, because the smsts log is full with messages about the ccmexec service that does not want to start. Is the client successful installed?
  19. Correct, a client in 2012 keeps the same GUID after reimaging. So the easiest solution is to first remove the device from the SCCM.
  20. It seems to be an issue with retrieving the MP, something I see a lot lately... Usually the solution, well actually workaround, is in increasing the time-out in a task sequence after it fails to retrieve the MP. Specifically for this, you can use the variable SMSTSMPListRequestTimeout.
  21. It might be sufficient, but you have to keep in mind that Windows 7 has a limit of 20 concurrent connections.
  22. One image. MDT gathers information about the hardware, which makes it easy to differentiate a laptop from a desktop during the task sequence.
  23. A client can only be assigned to a primary site and not to a central site, or a secondary site.
  24. Yes you can, just pass it back as a task sequence variable.
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