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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. You can restore on both versions.
  2. Check the distmgr.log for more information.
  3. There is no client setting that does such thing. The only supported option is using a the a command line like this CCMSetup.exe /ExcludeFeatures:ClientUI.
  4. Note that there is already an hotfix for this issue: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2905002/en-us
  5. They are all Office updates, so make sure that the different Office versions are also selected on the Products tab.
  6. Take a look here, it's made in PowerShell and does exactly what you want: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Import-Computers-via-a-df450468
  7. This is only a scan, make sure the client can't reach any source files of the updates and you'll be fine. When that's done you can start looking where the deployment came from.
  8. Changes to the boundaries in SCCM will automatically be changed in the attributes of the ad-object of the boundary.
  9. I've seen and heard many weird issues with installing applications during the task sequence... Did you try the task sequence once without the specific application?
  10. Take a look at the client log files and start with the execmgr
  11. What error do you get? Did you check the client installation log files?
  12. Remove the update from the deployment and update the policy on the clients.
  13. You need to go one level deeper, so not check on the key but on one of the values within the key.
  14. Your talking about a ConfigMgr server now, for the clients you need clients licenses...
  15. It fails on the dameware software, check the appenforce.log for some more information.
  16. I don't have direct answer to your question, but I do have an idea for your ideal world: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/install-user-targeted-applications-during-os-deployment-via-powershell-and-configmgr-2012/
  17. The easiest method is when the machines are known to SCCM.
  18. There is no way to configure the proxy settings, via the Endpoint Protection client settings. To see where the clients should be updating from, also check the Endpoint Protection client settings.
  19. Did you use the ConfigMgr backup and restore methods?
  20. When you want to deploy a customized version of IE, you can't deploy via Software Updates. So in this scenario the Application model is the best method...
  21. Every HTTPS enabled Site System needs its own certificate configured in IIS.
  22. The certificates in IIS are only needed when you have clients connecting via HTTPS.
  23. The log file indicates that the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step requested a retry. Usually when that message appears something went wrong with the client installation. So start with looking at the client installation.
  24. By default SCCM installs applications with the SYSTEM account, unless you specifically instructed to use the logged on user credentials. As it doesn't happen on all devices I can't imagine that it's the issue. I've seen many issues with Flash deployments when, for example IE was still open. I think you should start with looking at the installation log files of Flash to find the exact problem.
  25. Available deployment to a user is available via the Application Portal.
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