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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Check the version of SQL Express that's being installed. I noticed that I had to manually install SP1 on SQL Server 2012 Express.
  2. Custom scripting, MDT, or if it's based on a gateway then you can use the new Set Dynamic Variables step.
  3. A HTA is used often when a name has to be manually specified and should be no problem within a task sequence. The error you specify sounds a lot like an error in the script.
  4. Not exactly an answer to your question, but here is a post for the ADSI plugin for WinPE by Johan: http://www.deploymentresearch.com/Research/tabid/62/EntryId/74/ADSI-plugin-for-WinPE-4-0.aspx
  5. Either put the batch file in a package or make the folder (on the server) into a share and use a Connect to Network folder step to map the share to a drive.
  6. That's possible when your policy allows the client to look at more places (share, WSUS, Microsoft Updates) then just ConfigMgr.
  7. Never thought I would start answering questions for SCSM... Please provide more information. The specified error sounds like either a not installed or not configured SQL Server Reporting Services.
  8. Check the log file, it will give more information about why it is failing. Also if you are using a default capture media/ task sequence there is no need to manually stop the SMS Host agent service. The capture media will take care of that.
  9. Usually the main reason for putting applications in the image is to speed-up the deployment time. Depending on the amount of applications and the size of them it can save a lot of time. In most cases I like to keep my images as clean as possible, so I usually only put updates and hotfixes in it. This way I keep more flexibility during the deployments and with changes afterwards. But in the end it's the customers decision. I can only shows some pro's and con's.
  10. That sounds a lot like the right driver is not in the driver package that you apply during the task sequence. Check the device manager after the failure and lookup the hardwareid of the NIC and search for the corresponding driver.
  11. There should be at least one other smsts log file with a date behind it. That log file might show some more information. Did the client install successfully?
  12. Are you applying the correct image? This sounds a lot like applying an image that doesn't contain Windows.
  13. Did in these cases the task sequence complete successfully? In case of download problems, start looking at the CAS.log.
  14. If it comes to editing the database in such a way, you should register a call with Microsoft CSS to get a supported solution.
  15. The remove option of CM07 does not exist anymore. I was talking about deploying the uninstall action (like you were already doing).
  16. There is no official statement about that, yet... There's only the community assumption that the updates of everything between SP1 and R2 is within R2, but again that's an assumption based on the fact the only SP1 is a prerequisite...
  17. The different ADK versions are also needed for updating the different version of the boot images (used by the different versions of ConfigMgr).
  18. What do you mean with "the installation process runs about 10-15 minutes"? That sounds like the installation started... Check the AppEnforce.log for more information.
  19. Deploying the uninstall should do the trick. If it doesn't check the log files for more information.
  20. CU3 is NOT a prerequisite for R2.
  21. Nope, you should scope your collections for that.
  22. CCM.log only shows a successful push, so that doesn't add anything in this case. CCMSetup.log shows a very clear error, which you even underlined... The Write Filter is enabled on the device and needs to be disabled before installation.
  23. Looking at the client behavior it looks like they are registered by the site. Dive into the client log files for more information...
  24. Not totally true, if the client is already on the device it will try to register with the site itself. So probably the client can connect/resolve the management point. Check the client log files.
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