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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Deploying without SCCM client is only possible by either deploying it via MDT, or by deinstalling the client afterwards (via for example the SMSTSPostAction variable). If it's just about not installing Software Center, ConfigMgr 2012 R2 had a new installation property /excludefeatures:clientui
  2. As it's the build in package, there is not much configuration possible... The only thing I can think of is the content validation on the DP(s) and otherwise a database thing in which case your good with a case by MSFT. Let us know what they find!
  3. Just put the EXE in the package and change the commandline in the batch file to %~dp0Install.exe. %~dp0 is a batch file variable for the current directory.
  4. Correct! You need at least ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 before you can upgrade to ConfigMgr 2012 R2.
  5. Then it's a huge dissapointment, because Windows 8/ Server 2012 is a prerequisite...
  6. Client push is scoped to the discovered clients. So if you scope your discoveries good, you can enable client push. Keep in mind it's an all or nothing setting for the site, it will target all discovered clients.
  7. You should just install the client on the site servers, just like every regular client.
  8. I don't really get the question... It is possible to use ConfigMgr for the configuration of Folder Redirection. I did a post about that a while ago, see: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/managing-user-data-and-profiles-with-configmgr-2012/
  9. Close the WSUS Configuration, that will be done by ConfigMgr.
  10. Probably your SCCM 2007 environment published its information already to the AD in its own domain. That information will be removed by uninstalling the site, otherwise manually remove the information. It is possible for the SCCM 2012 environment to publish its information to a remote hierarchy. Under Hierarchy Configuration, select Active Directory Forests and click Add Forest. In this configuration the publishing to the other forest can also be configured.
  11. The images can also be just manually added.
  12. Seen that many times in my lab. Start the WSUS Console once and it want's to configure the database and content location. Do that, with admin credentials, and you should be good to go. Still don't run the WSUS configuration after that.
  13. That can be achieved by using USMT (in combination with ConfigMgr). Take a look here for some insparation: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/78-usmt/
  14. I'm also not totally sure about the behavior.. The easiest thing in this case is to just try it manually on a test device (maximum 5 minutes work, almost as much as posting this question )
  15. You should always keep all your site systems on the same level. The thing you don't have to worry about is that the CU will install before the SP, because that is not possible. The CU is only applicable when the SP is already installed...
  16. That's exactly what I thought the question was.... It's never been supported to upgrade the operating system of a server running ConfigMgr and I can remember hearing anything of that being changed...
  17. Correct. Since SP1 you have to use an image during the task sequence creation. It can still be modifier afterwards.
  18. I would go for the first option and just use a GPO to rename the administrator. Also not that the deployment is done under the system account.
  19. You only use HTTPS? Did you than deploy and configure all certificates for things like they MP and clients?
  20. You need to add an Operating System Image.
  21. 0x87D00267 means download failed. Please have a look at the download log files on the client, like ContentTransferManager.log, CAS.log, LocationServices.log.
  22. First of, I would use a task sequence step to perform that action. Reason for that is simple, as your task sequence will never complete successfully. In SP1 there is a new variable introduced, name SMSTSPostAction, use that instead. For the usage of that variable see: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/how-to-perform-an-action-directly-after-the-task-sequence-is-finished-with-configmgr-2012/ Back to your issue, a shutdown, is a shutdown. There is nothing in ConfigMgr that would change a shutdown in something else... I do have seen virtual environments where they automaticaly (and directly) started virtual machines after they where shutdown...
  23. Please provide some more information about what the deployment looks like, what it's targeted at, what you found in the log files and what maintenance windows are applicable.
  24. I think there is a more specific error before this snippet, if not, try the client.msi.log
  25. The referbished PowerShell version at least will work: http://blog.coretech.dk/kaj/sccm-client-actions-tool-powershell-edition-aka-poshcat/
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