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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. By default, running an installation with administrative rights, via ConfigMgr, runs with local SYSTEM rights. That should be enough to copy a file to system32...
  2. A user record will never show Client = Yes... The client is installed on the device and not the user... you can target users just like you can target devices. Create a collection, with the specific users, and target your advertisement to it. When the user logs on to a device (with a client) it will get the software.
  3. Well.. there is a hotfix to address the "issue" of importing duplicate drivers, see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2213600
  4. A driver can be part of multiple packages. When the driver is already imported, just right-click it in the console and add it to a package. A query to use in this situation, to apply the driver package to the correct device, is Select * From Win32_ComputerSystem Where Model Like '%Model%'
  5. Keep in mind that editing the database is NOT supported. The status mentioned in the report is "just" the last status message if the device and a status not targeted does not exist...
  6. Removing the advertisement and updating the policy is enough. At moment that the maintenance window comes next weekend the advertisement is long gone...
  7. You might be able to conduct some change by using DISM. My personal opinion is that I would always make the changes to the Build-and-Capture task sequence and run the task sequence to create a new image. That way you always know what to change and even better you never forget a change with create a new image.
  8. To be sure, I would check the log files, but I would indeed make the windows at least 2 hours.
  9. Not out-of-the-box, then you need to create your own right-click action.
  10. An hour for a Maintenance Window is a bit short. With every update the client will calculate whether it can be installed during the window or not (based on max run time + countdown + = default of 35 minutes). So it's very well possible that the client ran out of its window. Either look in the reports or the update% log files.
  11. The system indeed has to be in a collection, which is targeted with an updates deployment.
  12. After installing the SUP let it first sync one time and it will update the product selection.
  13. Sounds a lot like you didn't remove the WAIK and then installed the Windows ADK.
  14. Looking at my own lab(s), I would say that the best thing I did was get some SSD drives. The most recent processors are perfectly fine for a (home)lab.
  15. Nope, that settings is for how the client has to act. To distribute the package to a DP, just right-click the package and click Distribute Content.
  16. Did you already look at an Automatic Deployment Rule (ADR)?
  17. There is even a complete CMDLET for adding a new Distribution Point. Neil Peterson wrote a nice post about using that CMDLET: http://blogs.technet.com/b/neilp/archive/2013/03/23/at-long-last-add-cmdistributionpoint-powershell-cmdlet-included-in-configuration-manager-sp1-cu1.aspx
  18. It looks like a resolving/ dns issue... The log is filled with errors like "gethostbyname failed".
  19. Nice, thanks for the follow-up.
  20. Did you look at some log files (smsts, appenforce..)? Also did you maybe create requirements that exclude the device? Please provide more details about the configuration of the app and the configuration of the task sequence step.
  21. The installation of client is initiated from the server (via Client Push). For errors during client installation, start looking at the client log files (c:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs).
  22. There are already quite some posts about that issue. Did you see this already: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/9c34add1-5261-4dcf-b3f6-7c26ef4fcd28/sccm-2012-sp1-offline-servicing-failed-to-install-update What did you already try and where did you already look at?
  23. It might be possible via PowerShell and I don't know if it's a coincident, but David just posted a small post about starting a task sequence via PowerShell. See here: http://www.david-obrien.net/2013/09/05/execute-configmgr-2012-task-sequence-powershell/
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