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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. You should always cleanup your Deployments and Deployment Packages and remove the expired and superseded updates.
  2. Normally a hardlink migration would be ideal for a computer-refresh situation, but as you want to repartition the disk(s) it's not an option... You need to save the user data of the box (like a SMP).
  3. This isn't an error... this is just a informational message that the content still has to be downloaded... Take a look at the execmgr.log for more information.
  4. What is the source folder for the different packages?
  5. When you for example look at the WindowsUpdate.log then where it says the client is looking for updates?
  6. To install the SUP role on Windows Server 2012 (and WSUS 4.0), you need ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 (BETA)
  7. Did you already check the client logs?
  8. We need some more information.. Is it a new client? Did the advertisement already run on that client? Did you check the client logs?
  9. Nope, WDS has nothing to do with this. Start by looking at the NetSetup.log and the netlogon.log at C:\Windows\debug.
  10. It might be possible, but I can't think of any reason why you would want to do that....
  11. Nope, that's not possible.
  12. So it does show activity on the client-side? Then check the C:\Windows\ccmsetup folder for the installation log files and look for errors.
  13. Where did you install the Software Update Point(s)?
  14. Correct. In a situation with a CAS and 5 Primaries you will need an active SUP on all these Sites and that means a WSUS DB on all these Sites. See also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg712696.aspx#BKMK_ActiveSUP
  15. At what point does it fail? During the push or during the install?
  16. Have you seen this: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmanagersecurity/thread/a4d69ae8-9871-47c4-a53f-540d6dcae27f
  17. You need to give more information.... With this information, I can only tell you that HTTP error 401 is an authorization error....
  18. You need to start looking in to the logfiles, in this case probably the smsts.log.
  19. You can do that by doing something like this: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/deploying-remote-server-administration-tools-for-windows-8-with-configmgr-2012/
  20. This is a successful client push action. If the installation fails you need to look at the client installation logs.
  21. You can start here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd220460.aspx
  22. Never tried it, but it states no where as a prerequisite.
  23. What does it say in the execmgr.log?
  24. It's still the same, you need to rebuild it. For the docs see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg712686.aspx
  25. That is correct, a client can only be assigned to a primary site.
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