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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. I'm not sure what version of ConfigMgr you are running, but in ConfigMgr 2007 you could play with the Advertisment settings like this: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/remember-this-re-run-advertisement-for-one-or-more-specific-clients-with-configmgr-2007/
  2. Just copy the client folder and start the ccmsetup.exe
  3. Make sure you have the source local and remove the /mp: parameters, as it will cause the client to download from that specific MP.
  4. Another importing thing is that both DHCP and WDS listen to the same port (67), so you have to configure WDS to listen to a different port.
  5. You will always need the step Setup Windows and Configuration, as it also sets up your Windows installation. The only way to "get rid of" the client is to uninstall it.
  6. Are you saving your captured data (via USMT) on your local drive? If so, then that's the reason why you can't format the drive.
  7. That happens when the client can't find a MP and can't download it's policies... Check you client logs like ClientLocation.log, LocationServices.log and ClientIDManagerStartup.log.
  8. Just keep in mind that per machine you can only use one msp. When you already did a custom installation of Office you need to use config.xml files to add components to that installation.
  9. Are you deploying computer-based? If so, did you computer get Obsolete after rebuilding?
  10. SCCM can manage clients in different domains, no problem, as long as there is a network connection and they can resolve eachother.
  11. When the installation starts you should see a PXESetup.log and a pxeMSI.log in the default logfiles location on the Site server.
  12. Small addon When you select everything you want already during the "New Task Sequence Wizard", then it will already set the OSDStateStorePath variable. See also this post that I made when ConfigMgr 2012 was still in beta: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/how-to-capture-user-files-and-settings-offline-winpe-or-online-fullos-using-hard-links-with-configmgr-2012-b2/
  13. Take a look here for a step-by-step pdf about SCUP 4.5: http://blog.coretech.dk/wp-content/uploads/10_SCCM_2007-_System_Center_Updates_Publisher_V1.1.pdf
  14. It depends on two things, what did you configure as the Program and Advertisment settings and what command line are you using.
  15. I don't see any (relevant) errors... did you look at the client.msi.log
  16. There is no buildin function in ConfigMgr for that. This is something that might be possible via GPO and otherwise needs some small scripting.
  17. You don't need a Task Sequence to copy files, it can also be done with just an old school package.
  18. If it's not a self-extracting zip file you might need third party tooling for that... Another option might be to first extract the files and use ConfigMgr to just copy the files to the right location.
  19. Well, it's small product which you can learn really quick, but I do have to say that for an environment that small it might not be worth the effort. It will be more a decisions whether you think you have enough control now, or that you think you need more control and a more stable process.
  20. It can be done, as long as it can be extracted by a command line.
  21. Please, only post your question once.... See: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6103-easy-app-updates-via-scup/
  22. When you are not doing anything with the OSDComputerName variable it will use the name that you supplied during the import of the machine(s).
  23. It gives you some more work to publish the third party updates via SCUP to WSUS, but at the end it gives you one process for distributing updates, which means more control over your updates and compliance.
  24. Did you look in the SMSTS.log for any errors/ messages?
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