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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Correct, known machines will never get an advertisement for unknown machines.
  2. It can be modified in the properties of the DP. See also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ded46139-8692-4dd6-bd80-64f7b4045924#BKMK_ModifyDistributionPointSettings
  3. I think I would swich step 3 & 4. So that by deploying the new version to the same collection as the old version, it can uninstall the old version (automatically) and install the new version.
  4. When the script is in the root of your package it should work. Did you test the script outside the Task Sequence?
  5. You can specify an account when you use a Run Commandline -step (and have R2 or R3 installed).
  6. Is the servername correctly registered in DNS?
  7. Assuming you will use different servername and sitecode, it will just write it's atributes next to the existing ones. About what it does to your (overlapping) boundaries, you might like this post: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/overlapping-boundaries-and-configmgr-2012/
  8. The most errors seem pretty clear... What did you try to prevent them from happening?
  9. In my opinion you are making it way to complicated... two migrations for just a servername??....
  10. Like Jörgen said, it's normal behavior that the clients point to the primairy site. The things that you can control with the boundaries, are the download locations, proxy mp's, etc.
  11. That link doesn't work, because the real one has a typo in it : http://tjindarr.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/deploy-exe-files-as-a-msu-deployment-type/ Basicly it comes down to creating a new application and manually specifying the information.
  12. There are no auto-uninstalls of applications (unless you supercede an application). It's always something you have to configure yourself... The reason for that is simple, as it differs per company.. Besides that I wouldn't like a situation in which all your workstations are constantly installing and unstalling software. I would start thinking about virtualizing applications when your users are logging into so many different machines... Also installing only on the users primary device might be an option, and offer something similar via app-v on all the machines. Lot's of options, but it all needs some configuration.
  13. SCCM/SUP uses the META data of WSUS to determine which updates are new and where they can be downloaded, after that it downloads the updates itself. There is no need to create GPO's to point to the WSUS/SUP server, as the SCCM client uses a local policy to do exactly this.
  14. It's better to investigate why the package stops working, instead of creating a new package... The reason for this is simple, as the client registers the installation based on the packageid and the programname. When you still want to create a new package, you should create a script or a query that checks if the software is installed or not...
  15. Where does your testmachine gets its IP Address from?
  16. Hmm... I don't really get your code and what you're trying to do... You already got the resourceID of the two machines and that's what you need, so I've got no clue what you are trying to achieve in this for For Each Computerselect in Computerlisting.Options When you already have the resourceID you can just say newDirectRule.ResourceID = referenceComputerResourceId Also, why two times a function that does the same... GetResourceIDFromName and GetResourceIDFromNameB....
  17. There is a Maintenance Window configured and that is what your Advertisement is waiting. So either change/ remove the Maintenance Window, or allow the Program to run and ignore the Maintenance Window, or just wait until the Maintenance Window.
  18. Just disable the Client Push Installation.
  19. The problem with migrations is not in the AD publishing, but in the (Auto) Site Assignment. I would just disable the auto assignment in SMS and enable it in SCCM. See also this post for some information: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/overlapping-boundaries-and-configmgr-2012/
  20. The ConfigMgr Backup Task is the only supported way to restore a Site. Also this task makes a backup of more then just SQL, see also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb633229.aspx Back to your question, no you don't have to make a separate SQL backup (even though it might look smaller).
  21. That can be done by using a config.xml, see also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179195.aspx
  22. Eventid 5186 seems to a 'normal' message, see also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc735034(v=ws.10).aspx
  23. So they also getting a new OS?
  24. Removing that step should be enough, as it would still wipe the disk. Another option is creating your own little diskpart script to format the partition....
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