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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. There is no difference between the client for workstations and servers.
  2. I think it should be possible, but isn't it a lot easier to create a script to do that and just advertise that?
  3. It's not only not recommended, it's also not supported... also upgrading to RTM is not supported... and also an upgraded environment is not supported...
  4. There isn't much changed in the task sequences between ConfigMgr 2007 & 2012, so my first reaction would be, "the same way".
  5. It's all about the Programs in combination with the rerun settings. For example, when you have two advertisements for the same Program and they are both set on rerun if previously failed, only one advertisement will run and the other will say no need to rerun (unless the first one was failed of course)..
  6. To configure which data is captured, you need to edit the xml files. To configure where the data is stored is done in the commandline/ task sequence. There is a tool available, but not for free, see here: http://www.wintools.com.au/usmtgui.php Offline or online mode all depends on the requirements. For example, I like offline with hardlinks, bacause is really quick.
  7. The updates step is build on ConfigMgr handling the updates. When you are using WSUS to handle your updates, you should use custom scripts (or maybe even use some MDT script) to install updates during the task sequence.
  8. You can use Maintenance Windows to spread the load... Just keep in mind that by default the count for all the deployments.
  9. First thing is that I would always only use SCCM to import drivers into the bootimage.. What's the problem that you are running into with adding the drivers?
  10. I'm not sure if it's smart to use the smsts.log for that.. I would use my own logfile and just use the writeLine method (example: http://www.devguru.com/technologies/vbscript/quickref/textstream_writeline.html)
  11. Did you check the execmgr.log for more details?
  12. You can't install software when the machine is in WinPE, you should restart to FullOS.
  13. The reporting shows the status of the advertisement, it doesn't matter wether it's a msi, exe, vbs, bat, or wathever... The only thing you should keep in mind with batch files and scripts is the error catching... When you have for example have a script that does first an installation of software followed by a file copy and the installation failed but the file copy was succesfull, the batchfile will return a success status if you didn't catch the error of the installation.
  14. From the log: Sysprep directory is missing setupcl.exe. By default Windows XP doesn't have sysprep locally, so you have to make it available on the local machine (step Install Deployment Tools).
  15. That's not a SCCM related problem... The problem is probably with the installer, did you check the installationlog?
  16. Did you check the smsts.log?
  17. Did you check the execmgr.log?
  18. When you did all of your settings in the msp (like surpressing messages and restart) and store in the updates folder, the commandline of your Program can be just setup.exe If anything goes wrong check the execmgr.log and the installationlog of visio.
  19. Did you check the installation log or the reports to see why it uses exitcode 1?
  20. Some checks: Does the advertisement exist Does the collection exist Does the machine exist in the collection Does the advertisement show up in the execmgr.log of the client
  21. The distmgr.log can be found in <Installdirectory>\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs
  22. The default action of a Task Sequence is to use a State Migration Point. It can be changed by using Task Sequence variables.
  23. No clue... I do know that it's one of the most requested features on the forums on connect. So maybe it will be back... I don't know...
  24. Why not adding SP3 to the installation of Office 2007 by adding the extracted files to the updates folder?
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