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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Yes, the highest priority wins.
  2. I think in a scenario like that the granular deployment would be the obvious solution and if not possible I would look at global conditions to simply verify if the app is installed.
  3. Create a custom policy for those machines and set Prompt user for Remote Control permission to No.
  4. You could have a look and see if the Set Dynamic Variables step might be of any use in this case. If not, then it would require custom scripting.
  5. What about using the default option for specifying an ip address in the task sequence wizard?
  6. When you only used Run command line steps then all the available logging should be in the SMSTS.log.
  7. Are you looking for something like this documentation script by David: http://www.david-obrien.net/2014/01/update-inventory-script-makes-configmgr-life-easier/
  8. Did you check the log files? In case of a PXE boot I would start with the SMSPXE.log.
  9. Yeah, a package-program would be the best in this case.
  10. Are you by any change running Windows 7 x86? If so, please have a look at this: http://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2015/04/15/support-tip-configmgr-2012-update-scan-fails-and-causes-incorrect-compliance-status.aspx
  11. Overlay is related to write filters. That settings is only applicable to Windows Embedded devices.
  12. That error can mean a lot of things. You need to provide more information about the messages in the installation log file itself and about what you're actually installing.
  13. Yes, you can. Also, schema extensions are not specific to a site.
  14. Two things to check. 1) Check if you're not deploying an update of the client. 2) Check the client evaluation (ccmsetup-ccmeval.log).
  15. Jason mentions the guidelines here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/91910b73-2d47-424c-9f21-a4e4b06f0a82/best-method-to-apply-cu-to-default-client-package-for-use-in-console-pushes-osd?forum=configmanagergeneral
  16. To add-on to Garth, when nothing specific has been provided in the command line, the MSI often writes the log file in C:\WINDOWS\Temp.
  17. You're on the right path. You should use the required install. If it's not working please check the deployment status and the client log files for more information.
  18. Yes, I've heard that issue more often. The workaround is to set the deployment date back for at least a day.
  19. Please don't use a physical device to build an image, but use a VM instead. That will save you a lot of driver issues during the deployment of the image.
  20. No it doesn't has to be domain joined. It only needs to be able to communicate with ConfigMgr (MP/DP) and a network access account has to be configured in ConfigMgr to access the DP.
  21. Deploying to users gives you more flexibility. It does however not automatically remove the software after the user logs off.
  22. Yes, that's possible, but you have to clean it up afterwards. This should help you out: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askpfeplat/archive/2014/07/28/how-to-use-the-same-external-ethernet-adapter-for-multiple-sccm-osd.aspx
  23. It sounds like your PXE of the site server is responding to the client in the remote site. If so, than that's the reason why it's downloading the boot files from that location.
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