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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. At task sequence level not much has changed in that way. Also, in my opinion, on a HTA level there's not much they can integrate in SCCM, as a HTA is really customer specific... If you do need the HTA extra's then you can also choose to integrate MDT...
  2. The basics are the same, but there are some known limitations. See for more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb932123.aspx
  3. Just select the msi and then with filling in the commandline just change it to the setup.exe
  4. How come I missed this??? Ow yes... ... I was on vacation... BUT still, CONGRATS Niall!!!
  5. You really couldn't find it??? It was here : http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/installing-and-enabling-remote-server-administration-tools-with-configmgr-2007/
  6. A regular task sequence can do the same thing. The only difference is that a MDT integrated task sequence already has a lot of MDT steps preconfigured.
  7. Even if you the machine is not allowed on the domain, you can still use a normal build and capture... Just leave the machine in a workgroup, make sure it's within your boundaries, make sure you have a network access account set, make sure you have a SLP configured and you're ready to go.
  8. That's possible, just popup for the variable and then call your batchfile followed by the variablename. You can use the variable then in the batchfile with %1
  9. Nope, you will still need an agent.
  10. Just like a normal Task Sequence, but then choose a custom task sequence.
  11. From what I've heard, that option will be in the RTM release.
  12. You could also take a look at the Status Message Queries. There are also some buildin queries on collection level. See also: http://blogs.technet.com/b/meamcs/archive/2011/01/17/step-by-step-how-to-audit-configuration-manager-2007-activities.aspx
  13. Depends on the requirements... When all the machines are connected to the network all the time, then I would use SCCM with a rerunning advertisement. Otherwise I would use SCCM once to create a scheduled task, so it will always run even if the machine is not connected to the network..
  14. You can still use WSUS to push out the updates. It just means that the status reporting etc. goes via SCCM and the updates still goes via WSUS.
  15. Yeah sorry... I was talking about SCCM 2007... Also I can't find the option in SCCM 2012 anymore in the Deployment Properties....
  16. Shouldn't be necessary, as _SMSTSMachineName just represends the up-to-date machinename through the whole task sequence... Someting totally different, in case somebody just wants the logs of a failed task sequence, see: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/copy-logs-from-a-failed-task-sequence-in-configmgr-2007/
  17. In the Properties of the Advertisement, go to the Distribution Points tab and select Access content directly from a distribution point when needed by a running task sequence.
  18. The biggest advantage is that there is only one 'infrastructure' needed and one central place for management.
  19. Yes, you still need an App-V client to be able to start a virtual application.
  20. Did you look at Nialls' guides? See: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/92-setup-sccm-2012/
  21. SCCM doesn't provide realtime data... The best thing you could do is, like the right click tools, to use psloggedon.
  22. During a Task Sequence you can use WMI queries to look for a specific model.
  23. DNS? DHCP? Did you press F8 and see if you get an IP adress?
  24. That usualy means that you are missing the correct network drivers in your bootimage.
  25. Nope, but it does tell it where and when to look for updates. For telling it where to look it uses local policies and that's why it's so important that their ain't any GPO's as they will overwrite local policies..
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