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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. I asume the client is in the correct collection for the advertisement, so I would look at the execmgr.log on the client.
  2. AFAIK, that can't be done with Search Folders...
  3. With SCCM Client Center (http://smsclictr.sourceforge.net/) you've got a whole lot of option to manage specific clients
  4. PXE is now managed through the Distribution Point, so most of the (error) message can be found in the distrmgr.log
  5. Can be done by using the SDK. There are some pretty straight forward examples here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc145334.aspx
  6. You could use something like net user, see also: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/251394
  7. Are the client machines multihomed? See also: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325919
  8. This usually means that the client is outside of your boundaries... So I would start double checking the ipranges/subnets of your boundaries and compare it with the ip of the new client(s).
  9. Remove WSUS (including local data), Add WSUS and then add the Software Update Point.
  10. That's indeed correct if they are all in the root folder.
  11. First of you don't have to integrate them... and the fact that it's two totally separate environments, makes it even a better case to keep them separate.
  12. The commandline of the Program can just be INSTALL.bat without the %~dp0. You only need to use %~dp0 within a batchfile.
  13. Did you let SCCM configure WDS? Or did you use an existing WDS environment?
  14. I don't really see the advantages of keeping them seperate.. Maybe you can start with telling why you would want to keep them seperate, while you only want to use SCCM for the deployment.
  15. You are probably missing the correct NIC driver in your bootimage... (you can check the smsts.log to verify)
  16. I had that once at a customer to, that it had problems with upgrading the client. As a solution we first ran an uninstall (script) for the SMS client and then pushed the SCCM client.
  17. Saves as HTA and see what it does I do think that there are some varaibles that have to be changed to your situation, but you will probably run in to that very quickly
  18. Probably not supported, as it's never supported to update beta's or rc's...
  19. Do you have enough rights to install a db on the remote server?
  20. You will get the most exact results by searching in the PnP devices... So something like this: select * from Win32_PNPEntity where DeviceID like '%yourdeviceid%'. Just search with wbemtest for the exact information you need.
  21. This not a 'real' error, it just happens if nobody was logged on... Did you, by any change, select that the program can only run on a specific platform? If not, then what else is in the execmgr.log and what is the advertisement status?
  22. Nope, that's not needed when it's the same computer.
  23. I actually meant the settings under Component Configuration.
  24. As far as I know and I've heard Mac OSX won't be supported in ConfigMgr 2012 (yet)... So the only way to manage Mac's in your environment is third party tooling and Quest is at this point probebly your best option.
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