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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Based on which information did you think that the TS ran (completely) succesfull? I would start with looking at the SMSTS.log.
  2. If you don't have the AD extended the clients won't find the site automatically... you will need to specify the SLP during the installation of the client.
  3. Well... that's the most dificult one, as it can be almost everything... from an inaccesable drive till missing components... have you seen this: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ar/configmgrosd/thread/0e05d409-1d05-4c56-b98d-bf4246118256
  4. USMT Exit code 26 (USMT_INIT_ERROR) Software malfunction or unknown exception - Check all loaded .xml files for errors, common error when using /I to load the Config.xml file. - Setup and Initialization Multiple Windows installations found - Listfiles.txt could not be created. Verify that the location you specified for the creation of this file is valid. Unable to find a valid Windows directory to proceed with requested offline operation \r\n\t - Verify that the offline input file is present and that it has valid entries. USMT could not find valid offline operating system. Verify your offline directory mapping.
  5. That's correct, but you do need a Server Locator Point then (just like with SCCM 2007).
  6. Thanks, good to known. I think this will count for most other webservices also.
  7. Did you advertise the updates to a collection with the machine in it? Do you see an obsolete record of the client?
  8. Have you seen this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947215/en-us
  9. You could make a query on the collection that searches for the machines on which the user is registered as Last Logged On. That way you can base a collection on an AD Group, but still advertise to computers.
  10. Those settings should be applied automaticaly at the background... It sounds a bit like this KB: http://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2010/09/22/new-kb-wds-multicast-settings-in-the-distribution-point-properties-do-not-seem-to-apply-in-system-center-configuration-manager-2007-r2-and-r3.aspx
  11. No, it deploys to the primary device of user1 (just like you specified). It's kinda hard to make a local installation disappear when another user logs in (you can make an msi to install only for the user, and that's about it)...
  12. That's correct. SCCM sets the configuration that it needs, but WDS will still show 'not configured'.
  13. How did you configure the application? To the Primary Users Machine? User shouldn't be logged on?
  14. Nice and thanks for posting the solution!
  15. First thing, you can't advertise task sequences to users only to computers. Second thing, your program probably needs user input, see also: http://technet.micro...y/bb735865.aspx
  16. Have you seen this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947215/en-us
  17. You're right, I didn't see that part... So what is the commandline you're using?
  18. It can be done by script also... It's just a regedit action..
  19. It links to this article http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg425733.aspx which states "You can extract the .msi file by running the client installation executable on a supported Windows client, which creates the Lync.msi file in %Program Files%\OCSetup\Lync.msi or %Program Files(x86)%\OCSetup\Lync.msi. For details and additional required steps, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2477965, “The installation of Lync 2010 by using Windows Installer (MSI) fails,” at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=208249."
  20. Take a look at this article to install it as a MSI: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ocsinterop/thread/6b638a43-e3a5-4e08-bdfd-16f84b51e2b1/
  21. A lot can already be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682068.aspx Some links are still "under construction", but the basics are all covered.
  22. Here are some nice troubleshooting steps: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb932200.aspx
  23. Here is a nice example with Office 2010: http://blogs.technet.com/b/mniehaus/archive/2011/08/13/deploying-office-2010-with-configuration-manager-2012-beta-2.aspx
  24. Nope, not just like WSUS... The client and server components of WSUS are used, but within SCCM you need to select the updates, add them to a package and deploy them. I've read that Niall is working on a step-by-step
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