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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. A few suggestion to look ate: Did you configure a deadline? Did you add the package to a DP? Did you configure your boundaries correctly?
  2. I would think that, that doesn't work in this scenario's as it's meant to move a user van one domain to another domain... See also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766226(WS.10).aspx
  3. That's for Application which are Deployment with the setting Require administrator approval if users request this application checked.
  4. They can run next to each other. Just make sure that you don't create overlapping boundaries and you'll be fine.
  5. Once the image is mounted, you can just browse through it with your explorer... I can't think of an easier way to do this, of course you can convert the WIM to a VHD again, but that's only a lot of extra work.
  6. It doesn't need to have an OS on it, as that's want you are going to deploy to it anyway.
  7. Take a look here for a lot of info: http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=860 In short if you put the MSP in the Updates folder, you don't need to specify a location for it in the commandline.
  8. I think something like Local Account Create or Local Account Enable failed.
  9. Take a good look at this post: http://blog.stealthpuppy.com/virtualisation/virtualising-adobe-reader-x/ Especialy take a good look at the first part, about why you actually shouldn't sequence an application like Adobe Reader.
  10. Did you sequence this application on Windows XP or Windows 7? If you sequenced it on Windows XP, then redo it on Windows 7.
  11. You only need to use that link if you still need to create a VM. If you've got a VM already, you can skip that part.
  12. With imagex you can just mount a WIM image. See also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766067(WS.10).aspx
  13. I think that's more of an problem with the console (MMC). Did you try closing it and starting it again? Or did you try on another console?
  14. Which certificate was expired and which steps did you perform to renew it?
  15. I have to say that I didn't read the log file yet... But as ConfigMgr 2012 introduces a new "content library system", I think it's good to first read this: http://blogs.technet.com/b/inside_osd/archive/2011/04/04/configuration-manager-2012-content-management.aspx
  16. See also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg712679.aspx
  17. I would do that with creating/ modifying the MSI. In that case Adobe Reader is an easy one, as Adobe delivers a Customization Wizard (http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3993)
  18. It's about giving the Site servers computeraccount full control to the System Management container in the Active Directory.
  19. I don't get the idea of saving it as a VHD... Take a look here for how to solve it with a WIM: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrosd/thread/77899752-f89c-4671-8223-3e32987ff268#3167b91c-2dcc-46fa-8fa5-a93905ed5e98
  20. You're right... I forgot the /S... I thought it was there... I think I type a lot slower then I think The /SMS is also needed, specificly for deploying with SMS/SCCM. For the complete list see: http://www.appdeploy.com/articles/InstallShield%20Setup%20Parameters.pdf
  21. If you don't have the AD Extended, then you need a Server Locator Point. Take a look here for how to configure a SLP: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680672.aspx an here for how to specify it in the client properties: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb694195.aspx After you succesfull deployed the SCCM client, then you can start thinking about deploying the FEP client.
  22. I'm a bit confused... Do you now have the AD extended or not? If it's not extended, then you don't need the System Management Container and you should stop the Site from publishing information to the AD... Besides that to extend the AD Schema the you don't need to bring any server down...
  23. Don't use it as a config, just use it as any other settings XML. So use another /i:printer.xml
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