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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Double post... see here: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3978-how-to-create-usmt4-package-in-configmgr-2012/
  2. Just create an old-fashion software package by right-clicking Overview > Application > Packages and choose Create Package.
  3. I would keep it in one Task Sequence and just temporary disable the steps you don't need..
  4. Creating a second advertisement of the same program doesn't help, it only creates a mess.. The reason for that is that there are then two advertisement with different settings for the SAME program. So it's unclear which settings will be used.. probably the first one.. There is no real best practice for the rerun settings, it all depends on the needs...
  5. I see and error 71, which would mean "No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept".
  6. Your supposed to create it before installing SCCM And yes SCCM will fill it...
  7. There reason for creating two Task Sequences for that... what would be the difference between them??
  8. There is no out-of-the-box solution for that... besides working around it by first adding the site with packages on top, let it replicate, remove the link and make the new site on top... but you are already past that state... You could try something like the 1E Tool here (but I don't know how it wil behave): http://www.1e.com/downloads/freetools/index.aspx?flag=configmgr
  9. Here are some possibilties: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735874.aspx Although I have to say that troubleshooting that error costs most times more time then removing WSUS and the SUP and then reinstalling it.
  10. I have to say that I don't really get the situation you're in... BUT I do know that Package Information only flows down a hierarchy
  11. Take a look at this post: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/appvserverandmanagement/thread/5fac268c-4fd6-4203-8236-e2ef8a604a47
  12. Well... you don't have realy much other options... That being said, the big no-no for overlapping boundaries is especialy for situations with multiple sites. See for some insights: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/configmgrsetup/thread/fbaf259c-e7aa-4a67-bd93-7fd1a0444f59/ and http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrsetup/thread/a2c05fe5-73a0-4b71-b94e-b2b7607df460
  13. On the first one: The more often you run discoveries and (auto) update collections, the quicker new objects are updating in collections (but you need to find a balance between how often you update and the load it will generate). On the second one: Is also done with running the discovery and updating the collection...
  14. Did you create a computer association between the source and destination machine?
  15. If you have Asset Intelligence enabled (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc161988.aspx), you should have enough options (which you are looking for) with those default reports.
  16. Nope, there is no default option or variable for that. If you want to do something like that, you should use a run command line -step and do something like here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrosd/thread/d2f34f48-9a09-482c-962e-acb0d01d323b/
  17. You should use a separate hierarchy.. See here for all the Technet information about it: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682006.aspx
  18. Little add-on to this. You can have one active Software Update Point per (Central/ Primary/ Secondary) Site.. So it is possible to put a SUP on the Central (which synchronizes with MS) and then a SUP per Primary (which synchronizes with the Central). See also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb633245.aspx
  19. It's the password that you configured in the PXE Service Point Properties.
  20. 1603 is a MSI error, not a SCCM error... So take a look at the installationlogs of Office 2010...
  21. In SCCM 2007 it's not possible to add a default/ primary user to a computer. That's option comes with SCCM 2012.. The only information you will get is the last logged on user name...
  22. Did you take a look at this guide: http://www.myitforum.com/myITToolbar/frame-click.asp?url=http://blog.coretech.dk/kea/the-complete-scup-2011-installation-and-configuration-guide/
  23. The execmgr.log, but when I read that the installation starts, I think you should take a look in the logging of the installer itself..
  24. What are you using for deployment?
  25. I would do, at least, number 1 & 4 with Group Policy (Preferences). Number 2 can be easily done, just like on XP.. No difference...
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