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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Well, this seems to be your commandline: setup.exe /config \\s114\OSD_TS_Source\Office2010_LP_Dutch_X86\OMUI.nl-nl\config.xml << I don't see any package names in it, that's why i concluded that you are not calling it from the package.. I do know that calling a config.xml from the commandline can be a pain... that's why I usualy create an old school batchfile in which you can use the %~dp0 -variable.
  2. Just add an exclude to the query. Something like not in (select ResourceID from SMS_CM_RES_COLL_XXX00000)
  3. I think it has something to do with the location of your config.xml... Why are you not calling it from the package?
  4. How does you client package looks like, or the client files on the server?
  5. It has nothing to do with the server side.... It pushes it to the client, so the server-side has done its work... Did you also look at the client.msi log?
  6. Did you try the command by hand (so without SCCM)?
  7. Knowning that you only see this, you devinitely have a driver issue. Make sure you have a driver matching the bootimage (so you probably need a Windows 7 driver)
  8. And add a new boundary with the ip-range of the DMZ servers. Good luck!
  9. Create a boundary for the DMZ clients and start creating certificates for the DMZ clients. For a step-by-step for doing that, take a look here: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/how-to-install-a-configmgr-client-on-a-workgroup-computer-when-the-configmgr-site-is-in-native-mode/
  10. Did you take a look at the client logs (like the CAS.log)?
  11. It all depends on your situation. The main question in these situations is, what traffic is allowed between the 'domain' and the DMZ? A mixed mode environment can already manage DMZ clients, as long as the ip-range of the DMZ is added as a boundary and the traffic is allowed between the 'domain' and DMZ. (see for more port information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632618.aspx)
  12. Did you try running the Server Cleanup Wizard of WSUS and after that run a new sync of your Software Update Point?
  13. It's not necessary to use GPO's when managing updates via SCCM (it's even advised not to use GPO's, as the SCCM client will use Local Policies for this). Did you make the updates available to the client?
  14. Depends on the settings of the Advertisement.. I do have it running, but I can't remember wether I changed the default settings or not... So just check the settings of your Advertisement.
  15. Check C:\Windows\Temp for the smsts.log
  16. Don't know if that's gonna be possible, I do know that I would never advise to upgrade from beta to rtm (even if it's possible).
  17. According to the latest roadmaps, it's planned for the second half of this year (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SzyDAr_eA_c/TdQE7R1cqzI/AAAAAAAAAVs/Ye3INgAJg74/s1600/SC2012roadmap_6075723F.png)
  18. It's all in that guide.. In the beginning it says: "This guide assumes you have installed SCCM 2007 SP1 and then configured it as outlined here in Part 1 you must then do the additional configuration outlined in Part 2, and you must have completed the final configuration tasks in Part 3. Lastly you must be able to deploy an application using SCCM 2007" >> There are links to everything you need.
  19. ConfigMgr 2012 Beta 2 is already available via Microsoft Connect.
  20. You already lost me here... what do you mean with a Master Slave Configuration?
  21. Weird... Did you also try to (re-)install WDS after .NET?
  22. Did you add the machine to a collection? And did you advertise a task sequence to that collection?
  23. There always has to be one... Did you check all the possible locations (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb932135.aspx)?
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