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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. Well, the Task Sequence of Niall needs that the package directory is set a level lower (so on x86 or x64). See the commandline: C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\SMA00108\scanstate.exe
  2. MAke sure that these services are set to start automatic: Analysis Services Integration Services Reporting Services SQL Server Agent
  3. You can deploy software without MDT, it's only used in that post to deploy software during a Task Sequence.
  4. You don't need that on a Secondary Site.
  5. Then you have to create a Boundary for an IP Address/ Subnet. Just make sure that you don't get machines that will fall in both Boundaries.
  6. Or just use NET USER (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/251394)
  7. I've seen that error, when the program was configured to run with user rights, while it needed Administrator rights.
  8. For the client push installations, check if you can connect to the machines from the Site server. The ports that you need to check can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff189805.aspx
  9. Did you also deploy the client hotfix KB977384?
  10. Sounds like a driver issue (SCSI,SATA, etc)
  11. Google is your friend: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2009/04/16/9553804.aspx
  12. First thing I would look at is the Firewall.
  13. Just create a Software Package (like in one of the guides here: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/57-deploy-software-applications-and-drivers/) create a program with your commandline and than use that Package/Program in your Task Sequence.
  14. I think you can achieve that goal already by using a step Capture Network Settings (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680640.aspx) and later a step Apply Network Settings.
  15. Did you then got any related errors in the eventlog.
  16. You also need to create a recurring schedule every day, otherwise the Always rerun program doesn't have any use. Also keep in mind that Only when a user is logged on doesn't mean it will run during logon. It only means that a user has to be logged on.
  17. But to minimize administration AND installation time I would take one image with the base applications BUT without the drivers. Just inject the drivers during the deployment as it only costs a few minutes. It saves a lot of issues, like the one you've got now.
  18. Does %computername% reverts back to the correct computername? I would try to use the Task Sequence Variable: %_SMSTSMachineName%
  19. What kind of DHCP are you running?
  20. Totally different question back, why are you trying to capture all different complete systems?
  21. There are all step-by-step in this part of the forum: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/66-software-update-point/ If that's not good enough, then what is it exactly what you are looking for?
  22. I think it's waiting for user input, as you are not using /q (runs Sysocmgr.exe in quiet mode (without display pages))
  23. Take a look at this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/222444
  24. Does this mean that all the clients are on SP2-level?
  25. It's the same as with Software Distribution, just use the same Program (Command line looks like: wusa.exe <updatesname>.msu /quiet).
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