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Peter van der Woude

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Everything posted by Peter van der Woude

  1. A SUP itself is only to collect information about the compliance state of the clients. The actual deployment is management by SCCM (Distribution Points).
  2. Did the Task Sequence en succesfull? Also, take a look at the smsts.log
  3. Configure the Customization file (.msp) to run silent
  4. I would indeed start with the execmgr.
  5. Just create a customized install. Here is all the information that you might need: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff404178.aspx
  6. What are the erros that you get when the Install Software Tasks are enabled?
  7. As long as you are advertising to a collection with computers (NO users), then there shouldn't be any problem. Does the client recieves policies? Does it communicate good?
  8. Take a look at your WMI with this little tool: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=D7BA3CD6-18D1-4D05-B11E-4C64192AE97D&displaylang=en
  9. Did you change anything? Did you already do a restart? Is there anything in the logs?
  10. I do not totally get what you are doing... Are deploying and advertising a Software Package or are you advertising a Task Sequence?
  11. It's not recommended, but sometimes it can come in handy to do something like this: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/ConfigMgr-2007-Updating-a-Windows-7-Image-with-the-latest-Software-Updates-e28093-A-less-conventional-but-very-effective-way.aspx
  12. Not totally correct... Mandatory software updates - Mandatory software updates have administrator-defined deadlines for installation. All software updates - All available software updates will be installed on the target computers.
  13. It looks like an issue with resolving the servername, so that's what you have to check (nslookup etc.).
  14. On the server in <InstallationDirectory>\Logs
  15. This is your error: Failed to send HTTP request. (Error at WinHttpSendRequest: 12007) As far as I know 12007 means that the servername and/or address could not be resolved.
  16. This part looks good. I think you should check the ccmsetup.log on the client now.
  17. Did you configure a Client Push Installation Account? If so, did you make that account local admin on the 'client'machine?
  18. Take a look at this post: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1941-wallpaper-not-migrating-in-offline-mode/
  19. I read in the logfile that you are using the /nocompress /hardlink options in combination with Request State Store. This can be a reason why it fails, as a Request for a State Store will always fail in combination with hardlinks. Hardlinks are stored locally so there is no need for a request.
  20. Then you need to Capture your own WIM image. Take a look at this part of the forum, there are some how to's: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/93-deploying-operating-systems/
  21. The standard install.wim will always install on D...
  22. It's to show the behaviour of doing file copies from a package during a Task Sequence.
  23. Or create a collection/ computer variable called OSDComputerName and don't give it a value. At the beginning of your TS it will ask you then for a value
  24. Are you using a standard install.wim or your own captured wim image? (BTW I deleted your other post in another topic, as it was the same question)
  25. Why doing all so difficult? Why not just using the buildin steps of SCCM for this?
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