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  1. Hey Everyone! Another day and another problem with SCCM! Currently I am experiencing Hash value mismatches with numerous packages, it is very intermittent...One day it will be the main OS .wim and the next it will be a driver package. After a lot of reading it has been suggested that re-validating or re-distributing the effected files to the DP fixes the issue after a couple of hours, this has worked once or twice but isn't a permanent solution and sometimes it doesn't work which is a massive waste of production when you have to wait 2 hours before you find out. One powershell command seems to help gwmi -Namespace root\SMS\site_XXX -class SMS_package -filter {PackageID = ""}|Remove-Wmiobject - If this ran for the effected package and then a redistribution of the package it can sometimes fix it, but once again not 100% of the time. Was curious to know if anyone has any information to why this would just start happening all of a sudden and if there are any known fixes? Our environment is fairly simply, Primary site server with two DPs and an MP. DownloadContentAndVerifyHash() failed. 80091007. Thanks. GHaM
  2. Howdy! Has anyone had any luck with gathering HP warranty information in SCCM hardware scans? I have found a bit of information saying that the most common way was a mix of scripts and custom .MOF's using this guide, however apparently these dont really work now as HP has changed the links used. Was curious to know if anyone has found a way? Have been reading the forum below and its starting to look a bit like we may need a paid service to gather the information? https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/eb004c1c-de23-403a-8ff3-cd4c6d9da4b8/has-anyone-managed-to-get-hp-warranty-information-into-sccm?forum=configmgrgeneral Cheers, GHaM
  3. Hey Everyone! Was just curious to know methods of updating an existing WIM? Currently the WIM has IE 8 however there is a request to update to IE 11, not sure if this can be done using DISM offline or is it best practice to build and capture again? Cheers, GHaM
  4. Hey Guys, Having an issue with some windows patching via SCCM 2012, it appears that KB2687455 is showing as 'Not required' on over 500 of my clients and im not sure why. Just curious to know if anyone has seen this before? Image attached below. I have ran a report within SCCM and confirmed we have quite a few clients with versions below 14.0.7 so it is a required update. Thanks Guys! ~Grahame
  5. Hey Mate, Finally had a chance to have a crack at this, thank you so much! Worked a gem using HP's Bios config utility application. Cheers!
  6. Hmmm, Do you have any information or can point me in the right direction?
  7. Howdy! Slightly new to SCCM and have been given the task to enable Bitlocker on a bunch of imaged Win7 Laptops, HP with TPM disabled. Have already found the biosconfigutil for HP devices and the config files that ill need to enable TPM however was not too sure where to go from there? Is it possible to simply create a separate Task Sequence and deploy that to the device collection? Cheers, GHaMNoob
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