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Everything posted by IT_Arek

  1. i was able to resolve the issue. I'm using UDI wizard and here is what someone else posted on another site. "I recently ran into this issue myself, and found the fix to be choosing the proper index in the UDI wizard. When you open your XML file, choose Volume at the bottom of the list (under Page Library), and under Image Combo Box Values, double click the image name and change the index to 2. This was set to 1 for me, and even though I had it set to 2-2 in the Task Sequence, the setting in the XML file was causing it to bomb. As always, update your MDT files on your DP and re-run the TS. Hope this helps."
  2. Long time reader, first time poster. I setup task sequence that works great deploying windows 7 to new computer. If disjoin the imaged machine from domain, capture image with Build and Capture task sequence, deployment to new machine fails with code 0x80070490. It looks like OS is never deployed to C or boot drive. Using SCCM 2012 with integrated MDT. Any ideas? Pointers?
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