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  1. Not sure if it is significant but in the LocationServices.log I see these differences: Update gets downloaded to computer: Distribution Point='net:http://wsus.ds.download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/secu/2016/12/windows6.1-kb3207752-x64_47a878b920c5094a0e73c053e8f602df1fbb8286.cab',Locality='REMOTE', DPType='WUMU', Version='0', Capabilities='<Capabilities/>', Signature='', ForestTrust='FALSE', LocationServices 20.12.2016 21:23:09 3868 (0x0F1C) Update does not download to computer: Distribution Point='net:http://wsus.ds.download.windowsupdate.com/c/msdownload/update/software/secu/2016/12/windows8.1-kb3205401-x64_321b77e058ef0377d84e6f0d25b360a05a363ad3.cab',Locality='WUMU', Version='0', Capabilities='<Capabilities/>', Signature='', ForestTrust='FALSE', LocationServices 20.12.2016 21:38:37 2180 (0x0884)
  2. Haven't had the chance to investigate, but this is somehow related to the sccm client as computers which still have client version 5.00.8412.1307 have no problem downloading and installing the updates. Only the newer clients like 5.00.8458.1005 and 5.00.8458.1007 just create the folders in c:\windows\ccmcache but do not download the updates.
  3. Nothing special really - everythings looks fine apart from the downloads stay at 0%
  4. After upgrading to SCCM 1610, systems which have automatically upgraded the configuration manager client to version 5.00.8458.1005 are unable to perform Windows Update. In Software Center they are stuck at "Downloading (0% complete)". Systems with older versions of the client (e.g. version 5.00.8412.1307, and possibly older client) have no problem downloading and installing the updates. Any idea what might be the problem?
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