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Everything posted by Mino

  1. The short version for installing Reporting services: Add-CMReportingServicePoint -SiteCode <sitecode> -SiteSystemServerName <FQDNserver> -UserName <credential> -ReportServerInstance MSSQLSERVER And speaking of 1702, there is a new exiting tool called Content Library Cleanup tool - finally! Check it out.
  2. Thank you, i already uninstalled WID feature and SCCM still works perfectly. I thought it would be cleaner to follow your guide without removing things afterwards. By the way, this guide does not mention about Reporting Services role e.g. which is also an important part when working with SCCM. But luckily i found your other guide else where in this website. I do haave Powershell scripts for this ready. Let me know and I'll send it to you to review. Hope I can contibute since you help the community a lot already. Kind regards.
  3. I expected that also. And yes, WID was running in my Lab. May I assume you are going to update your script repository and make it available to us?
  4. Thank you for this comprehensive guide! Very easy to follow. A question about 'Step 11. Install the WSUS role'. After this step, I see a 'Windows Internal Database' service running, but aren't we suppose to avoid that since we already installed a SQL Server?
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