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Everything posted by xerxes2985

  1. Is it possible to use a Linux SMB share for the Data Source location?
  2. These are the default settings, I hadn't modified anything on these parts.
  3. I tested on actual hardware, because I was under the impression that Bitlocker doesn't work using VMWare (and haven't tried Hyper-V).
  4. These are the following variables I have defined in Customsettings.ini (which I believe gets processed during the "Gather" step) OSDBitLockerMode=TPM OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword=AD OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption=TRUE
  5. I investigated further and decided to use the standard "Enable Bitlocker" step. I am now attempting to image again. Also -- Not sure if this has anything to do with my issue, but I am trying to enable bitlocker on a Surface Pro 4. / Have you found any indication of what may be my issue?
  6. Here is the smsts.log file. Thanks smsts.log
  7. Bear with me while I try to explain what I am attempting to do and what doesn't work. I am using SCCM 1511 (because I haven't updated it to the latest build), and MDT 2013 integration. I am using an MDT task sequence. So far most everything in my TS works. There are a few things that I cannot get to work properly though, and that's what I need assistance with. (all of this is to deploy Windows 10 1607 LTSB) 1. My reference image had (copyprofile for default profile) a custom background, and color scheme (for the start menu) and some custom folders, etc. to appear on taskbar/start menu After the image is deployed, none of these settings stick. 2. Bitlocker - None of this works, however there are no errors in smsts.log and other logs (that I can find) 3. "Let's get you connected" page as the image is pushing down - How can I get rid of this?? Any help is much appreciated, Jesse
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