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Everything posted by Boyd

  1. Weird. After everything ran, the USB Keyboard and USB Mouse aren't functioning. I tried plugging in a PS/2 Mouse and it wouldn't work either.
  2. On this lenovo, using "Name" gave me the model number that is different, but for now, I only needed to know that it was a "M58", so I had to use "Version". Wierd, but the script used "Where Version". It's working right now, but for some reason, it's taking a very long time to run my first driver install. It's just a Universal Audio Architect driver that runs "update.exe -s" and when I ran it, it ran very fast. I'd say it ran within a minute or two, but right now, it seems like I'm coming up on about 20 minutes or so. It just finished and is continuing with the other installs. Those seem to go significantly faster. I'm confused.
  3. I'm doing this for a Lenovo ThinkCenter M58. I had to use CSProduct Get Version to get "ThinkCenter M58". Will this work the same as the previous SELECT statement? SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE model Like "%ThinkCentre M58%" Or, would I have to change a part of it?
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