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Everything posted by sweety_devil

  1. Dear all, I want to deploy office 2010 SP1 Pro Plus. I created a msp file with custom configuration: All other settings I put in the msp are applied but it is impossible to have a new profile with the online mode active.It is always the cached mode which is using. I checked on Internet and I downloaded the oct.dll version 14.0.6105.5000. It should be fix the issue but it doesn't. With a GPO it works but I don't wnat to use A gpo because users can't change after. UPDATE: I tried to install Office 2010 without SP1 and it works the first time you create a profil but if you want to create an another one it is in cached mode. What is thios bug with Office 2010 !
  2. it is just a file named usmtutils.cmd with this command line echo y| usmtutils.exe /rd %systemdrive%\userstate I renammed the file I use to txt because cmd was not allow to upload. Thank you. usmtutils.txt
  3. Dear all, I'd like to migrate the bookmarks of Firefox during the scanstate but I don't know how to do that. In firefox 7.0.1 apparently there is no more file named bookmarks.html in the appdata. Thank you.
  4. Dear all, I try to delete the userstate folder but I can't. When I copy manually the command echo y| usmtutils.exe /rd %SystemDrive%\UserState in command prompt it works but when i create a bat file with the same command it doesn't work.I received this error message: The syntax is not the same. Thank you.
  5. Thank you it works perfectly ! I have a problem with the utility usmtutils.exe. I created a package with this command line: echo y| usmtutils.exe /rd %systemdrive%\UserState but it doesn't work. I don't know why. Do we run this application just after the user restore or at the end of the task sequence ? Thank you.
  6. Could you tell me how to do that ? Can I use this xml like that or should I modify it ? I need to copy it on the USMT directory I suppose ? Should I add a command line here: I'm sorry but it is the first time I use USMT in SCCM. Thank you.
  7. Dear all, I will migrate my computers from XP to Windows 7 32 bits. 1. I created a task sequence (see below) but scanstate scans my D drive. How can I avoid that ? I used the metod 1 on this site http://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2010/06/30/how-to-use-usmt-4-hardlinking-in-a-configuration-manager-2007-task-sequence.aspx 2. Should I install applications after or before restoring data ? Thank you.
  8. Hi, I need to know which computers have the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.pdf]="Progid"="AcroExch.Document". But I don't know how to create my query. Thank you for your help.
  9. Yes the problem is on each pc we will use the name of the user. Actually the problem is when we create a mail profile, the patch for archive is C:\documents and settings ... What I want to change is when a new profile is created the path shoul be M:\archives.pst and not C:\documents and settings ...\archive.pst. So how I change the default configuration of the creation of a profile in windows messaging ? Thank you.
  10. Under [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\ but what should I do after ? Create a key nammed 0a0d020000000000c000000000000046 ? Or created a key profiles ?
  11. Hi, We will deploy Outlook 2007 soon. We created a package with OCT and SCCM. We have used "forcePSTpath" to open directly an outlook data file where we want and it is working fine. But we have a problem, we can't change the default location of the archives. By default when we click on archives, the path is "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook". We wanted to change to "M:\" for all new profiles. We know there is a key "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\profilename\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046]" we can change to do that but just for the active user and not for a default configuration. Can you help me ? Thank you.
  12. Hi everybody, I deployed my security updates with a countdown of 6 hours for the restarting. But, I have 1 user who has a program that it runs for 10 hours and doesn't want to restart his pc. Is there a way to cancel this restart or to change the time ? Thank you.
  13. Hi, I created a package with a command line to uninstall the software Sharpdesk. My command line is: C:\WINDOWS\ISUNINST.EXE -f"C:\Program Files\Sharp\Sharpdesk\Uninst.isu" -a -c"C:\Program Files\Sharp\Sharpdesk\uninst.dll". When I launch manually this command it works but when I send throught SCCM it doesn't. The task Isuninst is active but nothing happen. On 1 computer it worked but not on the others : please see the logs. Thank you. good.txt bad.txt
  14. So if I want to create a deployment for all critical and security patches for the collection all systems and the next month the list of patches will be updated automatically before deploying, how can I do that?
  15. Hi, I read your guidelines but I'm not sure to understand everything. I had a WSUS server but now I want use SCCM to deploy my microsoft patches. So I install wsus on the sccm server, I added the software update point and I enabled the software update client agent. I would like to deploy automatically all critical and security updates needed by the xp computers every 3 days. I didn't understand how to do it exactly. Thank you for your help.
  16. No I don't. I have directly Install Operating system. Let me do some tests and I will tell you. Thank you.
  17. It is exactly what I did this morning and the system ask me the computer name. But I don't know why it didn't use my computer name I wrote. Any idea?
  18. The command line for the program regimport_7900 is reg import speedduplex_7900.reg and in my package SpeedDuplex I have a reg file called speedduplex_7900.reg with this instruction: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\0008] "*SpeedDuplex"="4"
  19. I found the problem. In my task sequence, in apply network settings, I had to remove the domain OU and it works after.
  20. after the task séquence i have a good ip and i can add the computer manually to the domain.
  21. I have not the same problem with the DC 7900 but when I do a task sequence my computer is not add to the AD. When I boot I don't have problem with the drivers they are correctly installed but I am in workgroup. I don't understand why ? I see during the task sequence the computer try to connect on the AD but the window stay too much I think. I attach the smsts.log but I found nothing on it. I also found that in the report: 19.01.2010 13:16:21 11 Apply Network Settings Install Operating System 11134 The task sequence execution engine successfully completed an action 0 ==============================[ OSDNetSettings.exe ]=========================== Command line: "osdnetsettings.exe" configure Initializing answer file "C:\sysprep\sysprep.inf" Configuring global network settings Join type: 0 Joining domain: itc-cci.net Join OU: LDAP://CN=Computers,DC=itc-cci,DC=net DNS domain: DNS domain search order: IP filter sec enabled: false No adapters found in environment. Performing global configuration only. Configuring "OSDNetSettings.exe finalize" to run on first boot OSDNetSettings finished: 0x00000000 Thank you for your help. smsts.log
  22. It is ok actually I applied a task sequence obn the collection "unknown computers" !
  23. Hi, I have a problem to deploy new machines dc 7900. Actually I have a task sequence which is working fine but with computers which are already in the domain. With my new computers I have just bought, the task sequence doesn't want to start because the computer doesn't receive something. I check the box "unknow computer" but it still doesn't work.And when I add a computer with his mac address it is working the day after, strange not? Please see my smspxe.log: [] Recv From:[] Len:274 217ca58 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:56:45 AM 3144 (0x0C48) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 66eb1a8 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:47 AM 3144 (0x0C48) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 6532058 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:47 AM 3128 (0x0C38) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 16155a8 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3144 (0x0C48) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 6848708 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3128 (0x0C38) Ignoring req from [] Dest Server:[] smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3144 (0x0C48) Ignoring req from [] Dest Server:[] smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3128 (0x0C38) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 6373028 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3144 (0x0C48) [] Recv From:[] Len:303 633b788 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3144 (0x0C48) Getting boot action for unknown machine: item key: 644 smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3372 (0x0D2C) Executing GetBootAction(644, SRVSCCM) smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3372 (0x0D2C) No Boot Action for Device (644) found smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3372 (0x0D2C) ProcessDatabaseReply: No Advertisement found in Db for device smspxe 1/19/2010 10:58:49 AM 3372 (0x0D2C) Policy Provider settings flushed due to registry change smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Reloading PXE Provider Settings. cached=0 smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Loaded PXE settings from reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Identification: SMS Site Settings: Server: SRVSCCM SiteCode: ITS Parent SiteCode: <empty> smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Cannot read the registry value of MACIgnoreListFile (80070002) smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Loaded PXE settings from reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\PXE: PXE Settings: IsActive: Yes SupportUnknownMachines: Yes MACIgnoreListFile: <empty> ResponseDelay: 3 CacheExpire: 3600 HTTP Port: 80 HTTPS Port: 443 IISSSLState: 0x0 BindPolicy: Exclude <empty> TRK: <non empty> SiteSignCert: <empty> Root CA Certs: <empty> PXE GUID: ff3046a4-b4fb-42fc-9171-bdd266963849 PXEPassword: <empty> smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Loaded TFTP settings from reg key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSSERVER\Providers\WDSTFTP: TFTP Settings: Directory: D:\RemoteInstall smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) MAC Ignore List Filename in registry is empty smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Loaded Database settings from reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\PXE: Database Settings: Server: SRVSCCM Database: SMS_ITS User: <empty> Password: <empty> Use Integrated Security: No Impersonation Required: No smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) PXE Provider Settings Changed smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Querying Database for Cert with GUID: ff3046a4-b4fb-42fc-9171-bdd266963849 smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) inside GetPxeCert SmsPXE 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Executing PxeGetCert(ff3046a4-b4fb-42fc-9171-bdd266963849) SmsPXE 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) CDatabaseProxy :: GetPxeCert succeeded: ff3046a4-b4fb-42fc-9171-bdd266963849 \\SRVSCCM <non empty> SmsPXE 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Loaded PXE settings from DB: PXE Cert: <non empty> smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Site Code: , Parent Site Code: smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Executing PXE_GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP(ITS) smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP: SiteType=2 DefaultMP=SRVSCCM.ITC-CCI.NET smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Site Type: 2 smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) GetUnknownMachineResource (ITS,x86): smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) GetUnknownMachineResource: 33c4daae-ad9d-42a5-b158-b0e1d3d04738, 643 smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) GetUnknownMachineResource (ITS,x64): smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) GetUnknownMachineResource: 68723f1f-811d-4475-a4bb-37ae715efecc, 644 smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) Loaded PXE settings from DB: Unknown machine GUIDs: (x86) 33c4daae-ad9d-42a5-b158-b0e1d3d04738, (x64) 68723f1f-811d-4475-a4bb-37ae715efecc smspxe 1/19/2010 11:00:57 AM 5668 (0x1624) [] Recv From:[] Len:274 1650d28 smspxe 1/19/2010 11:01:45 AM 3144 (0x0C48)
  24. Thank you so can I create a command in my task sequence to remove the computer from the AD before doing the process ?
  25. It is working now. I have just apply a package with the command reg import "file.reg". Thank you
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