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Eswar Koneti

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Everything posted by Eswar Koneti

  1. SCCM 2012 is still in beta,expected to be released in 3rd quarter this year and it is recomended to upgrade the exisiting SMS environment to SCCM 2007 (R3).
  2. To run the program under system account .you can use psexec like PSExec.exe -i -s -d cmd.exe
  3. Nope,you dont have to integrate to generate the name but always good to integrate MDT into SCCM as it will give you a lot extra tools to use during deployment.
  4. how about this ? http://eskonr.com/2010/12/what-are-sccm-client-certificateswhere-are-they-stored/
  5. SCCM will generate new name when the computer is new(bare metal) or unknown.if you want to generate new computer name(prompt for computer name),you can add task action to with script prompt for computer name give here on windows-noob and eskonr.com as well.
  6. you can access these reports from its parent site server though clients are assiged(not actually assigned but resides in sec site boundaries).
  7. refer this blog http://verbalprocessor.com/2010/01/30/better-subselect-queries/ to know more about subselected quiries.
  8. if the machines recived the policy and reached the deadline before to execute the deployment ,it looks for the package if it is avilble or not.If package(patches) are not avilable ,information will be tracked in log file. If you want to stop installing the particualr patch on already targetted computers,you can remove it from deployment package and update list.
  9. I would suggest you to refer this document avilable here on http://www.microsoft...&displaylang=en for list of Views and avilable columns. Here you go with this. I have added additional content in Bold. SELECT DISTINCT SYS.Netbios_Name0, fcm.SiteCode, OPSYS.Caption0 AS 'Operating System', OPSYS.Version0 AS 'Version', OPSYS.CSDVersion0 AS 'Service Pack Level', CASE WHEN (OPSYS.Caption0 LIKE '%Server%') OR (OPSYS.Version0 < '6.0.6001') OR (OPSYS.Version0 = '6.0.6001' AND OPSYS.CSDVersion0 < 'Service Pack 1') THEN 'FAIL' WHEN OPSYS.Caption0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' ELSE 'OK' END AS Status0, ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0), -2)/1000 AS 'Processor (GHz)', CASE WHEN PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0), -2)/1000 < 1 THEN 'FAIL' ELSE 'OK' END AS CpuStatus0, ROUND (ROUND(CONVERT (FLOAT ,MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0) / 1048576, 2) * 1024, 0) AS C083, CASE WHEN MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN ROUND (ROUND(CONVERT (FLOAT ,MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0) / 1048576, 2) * 1024, 0) < 1024 THEN 'FAIL' ELSE 'OK' END AS Status0, ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, LDISK.FreeSpace0) / 1024, 2) AS FreeSpace0, CASE WHEN LDISK.FreeSpace0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, LDISK.FreeSpace0) / 1024, 2) < 16 THEN 'FAIL' ELSE 'OK' END AS Status0, MAX (DA.AdapterRAM0) / 1024 AS AdapterRAM ,a.System_OU_Name0,b.UserName0,c.LastHWScan FROM v_FullCollectionMembership fcm JOIN v_R_System SYS on fcm.ResourceID=SYS.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_PROCESSOR PROC1 on SYS.ResourceID = PROC1.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY MEM on SYS.ResourceID = MEM.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OPSYS on SYS.ResourceID = OPSYS.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK LDISK on SYS.ResourceID = LDISK.ResourceID and LDISK.DeviceID0=SUBSTRING(OPSYS.WindowsDirectory0,1,2) LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_VIDEO_CONTROLLER DA on SYS.ResourceID = DA.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_RA_System_SystemOUName a ON a.ResourceID=sys.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM b ON b.ResourceID=a.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS c ON c.ResourceID=b.ResourceID WHERE fcm.CollectionID = @CollID GROUP BY SYS.Netbios_Name0, fcm.SiteCode, OPSYS.Caption0, OPSYS.Version0, OPSYS.CSDVersion0, PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0, MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0, LDISK.FreeSpace0,a.System_OU_Name0,b.UserName0 ,c.LastHWScan ORDER BY 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 1
  10. yeah sometimes restart will help to resolve the issues
  11. logs can be found the SCCM client C:\windows\system32\ccm\logs on x86 and c:\windows\syswow64\ccm\logs on x64 . what hapepns when you run the java setup.exe manually ? does it works then ?
  12. software inventory for ? you have some default reports with category software metering .check if you can make use of it .
  13. check if reporting point is configured correctly and you(user) have access to the database to run the reports (add the reportuser to DB as given in screenshots).
  14. seems that,you have not configured your SCCM server properly .refer this guide for troubleshooting http://technet.micro...y/bb735874.aspx
  15. Good mate! same issue was faced by Niall 2 weeks back http://www.deployvis...US/Default.aspx
  16. you can probably check the software update log files (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb693878.aspx) to see,if site server sync with MS or not correctly .
  17. can you look at execmgr.log ,CAS.log for errors ? Check the version on DP and version on the client running ? Is it set to "Download and Execute" or "Run from Distribution Point"? Try updating the package to DP and try to run it again .
  18. Did you try this http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/skissinger/archive/2008/06/08/report-on-local-administrators-group-membership-updated.aspx ?
  19. Did you read the above post ? Are you using the default install.wim from win 7 ISO Media ? The default Vista/W7/2008 install.wim (on the DVD) will always install to the D: drive if not using an install package in SCCM (e.g. running setup.exe). To aviod this 1. add a operating system install package in sccm with the default W7 DVD (do not add it as an operating system image) 2. create a build and capture task sequence, that will deploy the OS to the C:\ drive using setup.exe, and then capture it from the C:\ drive 3. add the captured image as a operating system image (not install package) to SCCM 4. create a deploy task sequence, that joins the image to the domain etc (but not run setup.exe) Step by step with screen shots are avilable here http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/63-deploy-7/.
  20. You can do this in 2 ways : first you need to modify the sms_def.mof and configuration.mof to include the regsitry value as part of your inventory process. After that creating a collection is straight forward. Check this post - http://blog.coretech.dk/confmgr07/inventory/how-to-get-registry-information-into-hardware-inventory/ Or else Use DCM feature.
  21. You may can try to secure the Task sequences with password protect if any unauthrised user try to deploy image.
  22. If you have any risctrictions to use computer by particualr user ,then you can if not,it would be difficult since,users may log into different computers there by install the applications on all. and licensing tracking ,monitoring appliaction status would be difficult.
  23. Did you take a look at this post ? Is this resolved now ? http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3115-sccm-troubles-r3-installation-not-working/
  24. Check Network Access Account you have specified ,if it has correct credentials or not
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