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Eswar Koneti

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Everything posted by Eswar Koneti

  1. it works for me..Try it now http://eskonr.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/system-center-configuration-manager-2007-superflows/ it will redirect to eskonr.com
  2. Yes,you would need to inject the NIC Drivers to Boot images and the client which is about to get installed by OS should have atleast one Task seqeunce assigned to it. Check this link for pxeboot aborted issues : http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/669-how-to-get-rid-of-abortpxe-com/ Check,if the computer has any Task sequence assigned to it ,btw,if you are using Unknown computer support,you dont have to import MAC ID into SCCM.You can somply advertise task sequence to All Unknown computers collection. Here is nice explantion by StevaRac on how unknown support works http://blogs.msdn.com/b/steverac/archive/2008/09/21/unknown-computers-in-sccm-2007-r2-how-it-works.aspx
  3. Am not Niall But yes ,There are very good documents provided by Microsoft on background technical process(super Flows) also with Flow Charts process explianed. http://eskonr.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/system-center-configuration-manager-2007-superflows/ When it comes to Interview purpose,No body can say what type of questions they pose to the candidates. Here are some the SCCM FAQ's which are consolidated and many questions can be framed if you are through in process from technet guide. http://eskonr.wordpress.com/faqs-on-smssccmmdt/ Good luck.
  4. Check this post http://eskonr.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/sequence-from-run-advertised-program-window/ ,if it matches you ? or else ,check the CAS.log if any packages are not avilable in DP ? OR check if client is executing any other programs currently ?
  5. May be you can make use of these links to get you started : Evaluation Guide :http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/2/3/8237896F-CF74-4D92-ADBA-1CE147AFA59A/MEDV_Evaluation_Guide_FINAL.pdf Quick start Guide : http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/0/B/50B878F9-30AE-4120-B52C-F88DEC3FF70E/MEDV_Quick_Start_Guide_03_09.pdf
  6. can you check,if the packages(BEN00003) are used in Task sequence are avilable in DP or not ? also ensure you have NAAccount is specified ?
  7. Apply R2 or R3 instead importing New computer intO SCCM to deploy OS .
  8. take a look at this post http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2736-how-to-retain-old-hdd-structure/
  9. I would do it using AD security Groups. Create AD sec groups based on application naming and add the computers to it who requestd this . Create a collection based on AD sec group with application product ID to check if the computers are part of AD sec Group and doesnt have the app installed (with product ID). Create package,adverise it on to the collection. The same process repeats for all applications. Here is nice guide explianed more about it . http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/677-automatic-removal-of-applications/ This can also be done using Task sequence. http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1952-webcast-%232-dynamically-installing-applications-in-sccm/ You can create uninstall program for Office 2003 and create package for Office 2010 ,set the program properties(advanced) run another program first before office 2010 runs where it will run Office 2003 to remove and then install Office 2010.
  10. You dont require to add the counter function to the collection query since if you right click on the collection,you have an option called show count .It gives you different counts (total resource,non obsolte clients etc)
  11. Importing computers info Via Computer association and adding it to collection 'blank for staging' is direct membership Rule and the computer will fall into the collection where it matches the Criteria (here All Windws 7 Systems, RJ - Workstations) and imported computer will not be deleted from balnk for staging. You can delete the computer name from Direct membership from Blank for staging collection Directly. Isnt it so simple ?
  12. Have you given the collection IDs in place of COLLID. Yes,the collection query which i gave above ,will list all the computers which are present in multiple collections which we have specify in COLLID.The collection basically looks for ResourceID in other collections. About Count(*) function--->If you right click on collection,it will show the count and same can be the displayed in reports.
  13. the log which you have posted doesnt give full info (No error messages) and more over there should be another log file with name starts with clientXXXX. Can you post that ?
  14. There are many forums which gives this information i guess but here is you go with last logged on user with timestamp : select Name0,UserName0 as 'Top console user' ,TimeStamp from v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM order by name0
  15. Ahh okay. Try this select * from SMS_R_System where ResourceId in (select ResourceID from SMS_CM_RES_COLL_COLLID) or ResourceId in (select ResourceID from SMS_CM_RES_COLL_COLLID) or ResourceId in (select ResourceID from SMS_CM_RES_COLL_COLLID) If you have more collection to add ,just add or ResourceId in (select ResourceID from SMS_CM_RES_COLL_COLLID) at the end of Query. Where COLLID is the collection ID which you need to replace.
  16. So You want to query the list of computers which are part of multiple AD security groups ? isnt it ? if so ,you can add the all the security group to the first collection directly like below : select * from SMS_R_System where (SystemGroupName = "SCHENKER\\APP_Adobe_Reader_9.4_Sve" or SystemGroupName = "SCHENKER\\APP_Adobe_ShockwavePlayer_11.5.8.612") and Client = 1 you can add the all the security groups to the above query with OR condition OR Else You can use list of Values criteria like below: select * from SMS_R_System where SystemGroupName in ( "SCHENKER\\APP_Adobe_Reader_9.4_Sve", "SCHENKER\\APP_Adobe_ShockwavePlayer_11.5.8.612_Int" ) Add all the security Groups to the above collection.
  17. Take a look at this thread. http://www.myitforum.com/forums/m195053-print.aspx
  18. In addition to the above,also check the clientlocation.log and locationserivices.log on client Logs folder (c:\windows\system32\ccm\logs)
  19. Did you configured the Virtual Directory . See this thread for more info : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrinventory/thread/2a4f9aa6-2bbb-49be-8d3c-7ed364ef9dc4 shoudl help you.
  20. If i want to reinstall the program where it was already installed and if the adverisement says,"Rerun if failed previous attempt" .I will connect to the client registry path--->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\Execution History\System\C01001BC\F2A3C167-CCFD-4E0E-89B9-1CB8E0D1FA4B and will change the success to failure with error code C01001BC is Package ID.
  21. If it has a product ID,I would go with msiexec.exe /x {Product ID} /quiet /qn /norestart command line or else setup.exe /uninstall.
  22. You are correct since those Bulletin ID's which are missing are superseeded by other updates MS10-002 is superseeded by MS10-018 and MS10-006 is by MS10-020.
  23. Yes,I would more prefer to use the Hardlinking migration offline(given above) ,which will make the things pretty cool and smooth.
  24. Are you using the Task seqeunce avilable from here http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1735-using-offline-mode-in-windows-pe-using-usmt-4-via-a-task-sequence-in-sccm-2007-sp2 . If so,do you see any folder called usmtoffline in C:\drive ? what does the log says ?
  25. If the Client had recived the policy, what does the execmgr.log says ? did you check CAS.Log and Datatrasnfer.log for other information?
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