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Eswar Koneti

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Everything posted by Eswar Koneti

  1. You mean Distribution point ? check CAS.log, ContentTransferManager.log,DataTransferService.log ,more via https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh427342.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
  2. try this SSRS Report http://eskonr.com/2015/01/sccm-configmgr-2012-ssrs-report-count-ms-office-versions/
  3. Can use very much ,just un-touch the MDT steps ,you will be good to go.
  4. try this: select distinct * from SMS_StatusMessage where SMS_StatusMessage.MessageID = 11416 and SMS_StatusMessage.ModuleName = "SMS Client" and DateDiff(dd,SMS_StatusMessage.Time, GetDate()) <1
  5. looks like ,this patch is typical behaviour and not a straight forward like other patches..Before you install KB3087985 patch ,should have KB3078071 installed as prereq and perform the software update scan again to detect KB3087985 as required. Here is what i noticed closely: Created update group (OOB) for these 2 patches since KB3087985 has prereq of other patch KB3078071. Deployed to collection . Note: Clients only reported that KB3078071 (prereq) is required but not KB3087985 . Clients started receiving the prereq patch only in software center but not KB3087985. Prereq patch installed and requested reboot. Reboot is done. Login to the PC to check if the KB3087985 is appearing software center or not.cannot see any entries in the logs about KB3087985. So initiated the software update scan again manually ,waited for long period around 2 hours ,i see from the SCCM server that ,KB3087985 has required by this computer. huh ,finally the patch arrived to the client that has prereq installed . My software update scan is scheduled for 1 week not every day or so.so should i initiate software update scan on all machines to let the KB3087985 is available for you to detect ? is this how it supposed to work or something wrong from my observation ? Since it is critical out of band update,must go as soon as but looking at this patch behaviour,seems like its will not go soon to the clients.
  6. make sure you have the application deployed successfully to your DP,check if your boundaries and boundary groups are configured correctly or not.Check the logs appdiscovery.log,appenforce.log,CAS.log,datatransferservice.log .
  7. it looks like access denied to create directory and publish the content to WSUS server. make sure you have added SCCM server computer account as local admin on WSUS Server.
  8. do you see any updates in software center ?Total actionable updates = 0 means none of the deployed applications are needed by the computer. Have a look at the default compliance reports to see if the this client really required any of the patches that you deployed or you can have a look at wuahandler.log ,windowsupdate.log
  9. i believe the reference ID is nothing bu the product ID of the application. You can try below WQL collection to get the clients with specific Product ID: select * from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64 on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ProdID = "{00411F26-C366-49CF-950F-D86674E24D90}" and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64.ProdID = "{00411F26-C366-49CF-950F-D86674E24D90}"
  10. you can go with dependency model here. have VS20013 as dependency to Update 4 with required type.So when Update 4 runs,it will check if VS2013 installed or not,if not,it will install first then update 4.If VS2013 installed then it will skip based on the detection method and install only Update 4.
  11. logs can help you to check what is required and what is not.check wuahanlder.log,updatestore.log and updatesdeployment.log . More info about software update troubleshooting.read this post http://eskonr.com/2015/04/sccm-2012-troubleshoot-client-software-update-issues/
  12. ADR do not change the update membership when the Rule runs.you may check the ADR rule to identify what updates the it has been downloaded etc to troubleshoot the issue. can you add the IE11 update(memnership) to existing update group and run the ADR rule if that changes anything instead of waiting for hours to confirm ?
  13. you want to generate list of users ? or computers on which the application is deployed/installed on ? or you just need list of users the app is targeted to ? did you refer the default report for application deployment ?
  14. Jeremy posted report long ago to get the task sequence execution status including status,Task sequence name etc.http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/jeremyyoung/archive/2012/04/24/Sql-Query-for-ConfigMgr-Task-Sequence-Execution-Times.aspx you can edit with your requirements.
  15. project and visio service packs also available via software updates.they appear for me. Check if you have selected these products .
  16. seems like issue with certificates .try these blogs for solution. https://ramzibot.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/resolving-regtask-failed-to-send-registration-request-message-error-0x87d00231-by-repairing-the-management-point/ https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/907fe750-3282-4f9e-b75a-f6e29696c30c/regtask-failed-to-send-registration-request-message-error-0x87d00231?forum=configmanagerdeployment
  17. changing the option from secure boot does work ? http://deploymentresearch.com/Research/Post/441/Fix-for-installing-Windows-Technical-Preview-via-PXE-on-Gen-2-VM
  18. you required to do sub selected query in this case to know computers without software version.
  19. are you trying to identify the computers that have app-V version 5 installed ? or identity what app-v apps installed on computers ? you tend to combine both here ? to know computers that have app-v version 5 installed,you can check other report called computers with specific program installed .if you want to know what app-v apps installed ,then you can refer the default reports at virtual application folder.
  20. You can either use SCUP (No License required) that integrates with SCCM and then deploy Adobe Patches using normal software update method OR Create application or package(legacy method) to deploy the MSP to computers using command line : msiexec /update msipatchname.msp /qn /norestart
  21. may be you can check this post with syntax : http://eskonr.com/2012/11/sccm-2007-robocopy-syntax-copying-pck-files/
  22. what does the log says ? enforcement.log,appintent log ? are there are hurdles before the application get installed ? check this post if that helps with the setting: http://3techies.com/?p=83
  23. by default,client is member of more than one collections i,e member of default collections. what are you trying to achieve by knowing client is member multiple collections ? you can try looking at this report to know client is member of what collections instead of all clients. http://eskonr.com/2009/07/sccm-report-computers-member-of-which-collection/
  24. use the application dependencies feature ..create group with priority order for the applications that you want to install . Refer this thread to know on how to handle multiple reboots..http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/074f6119-d5d1-43b9-a7d5-2937bec333d2/sccm-2012-does-it-properly-handle-queued-config-manager-reboot-requests?forum=configmanagerapps
  25. i have seen this error few days ago and it keeps prompting to refresh the view.So what i did was,reset the machine policy using sccm client center or using the script available from http://eskonr.com/2013/08/sccm-configmgr-2012-script-to-trigger-machine-policy-inventory-and-other-actions-on-clients/. watch out for policyevalutor.log,policyagent.log (may takes couple of min ~5-10 min. and then try to run from software center.
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