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  1. I see, i can't add MDT on my server because it's not the primary SCCM server add i don't have sufficient access to do this on my server. I manage only my DP server ? Nevermind, i'll disable this step. I'll use other kind of report Anyway, thanks you to allowed time for answer me !
  2. Hi, Thanks for this guide, it's very helpful for me (upgrade Win 7 to Win 10) and i've learned lot of things with I have an issue with the reg add for the date. After the deployment, the value is "%date%". I've create a task sequence test just with the command, same thing. When i tried with psexec, no problem. No error in smsts.log Anyone have the sameissue ? Thanks
  3. Hi, Topic close. The problem was from a hidden prerequisite, i added it on application package, that solved the issue. J.
  4. Hi, I have an issue to install an application during OSD task sequences, no problem when i deploy this app. ++++++ Failed to enforce app. Error 0x87d00213. ++++++ AppEnforce 28/02/2018 19:09:59 5440 (0x1540) In program app, "Allow this application to be installed...." is checked. To illustrate this, here the AppEnforce log after OSD, I deployed right after the application, here the result : For information, this app have dependencies : Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 and Microsoft Office 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies. These prerequisites was installed with no problem. I don't realy undestand, someone already had the same problem ? Thanks
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