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Everything posted by Warchest

  1. Yep same issue as us Tony. I'm not going to bother trying again until 1803 comes out, hope this will fix the issue.
  2. I haven't tried since early December, not sure if Microsoft have updated their ISO yet.
  3. Thanks for the update. Yes I have been manually uploading to the server as well and it's working fine.
  4. Thanks all for the replies, Should have added the Windows version I was trying to upload. Looks like we are all in the same boat - I am also trying to use a sysprepped 1709 (Win 10 Creators Fall). I wonder if this will ever be fixed.
  5. No solution yet unfortunately, hopefully someone will see this and know what it is.
  6. Hi all, I have setup my WDS server and it is working well after manually uploading images. Can boot to it, image PCs etc OK. I would like to automatically upload images to the WDS server via the capture image however I am not getting the usual credential prompt window. The attached pic shows the cmd prompt window I get when clicking "connect". When entering the username and password nothing happens, it just sits there after pressing enter or selecting Ok. I can press enter/space on "Remember my credentials" and it adds an 'x' on top of the underscore. Can anyone tell my why I'm getting this cmd prompt window instead of the usual credential pop up? My Google search has failed me, can't find anyone with the same issue. The NonAppContainerFailedMip message doesn't show any useful results. WDS server is running Windows Server 2012 R2, it is not the DHCP or DNS server.
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