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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Bryan

    USMT 4.0 in MDT

    Well, it will be XP and Vista, but then, as machines are reimaged, it'll end up being Windows 7 machines as well. All moving to Windows 7. From what I gather, I have to find a way to run the scanstate in WinPE, but I don't know where I would call it or how I would do it. Thanks for your help- I'm such a noob and I'm trying to figure this out as I go!
  2. Bryan

    USMT 4.0 in MDT

    Not sure if this would go in the MDT or USMT forum, but here goes... I'm using MDT for deploying our images (we only do a few images a day and MDT allows me to have a single image to support), but I'd like to add the ability to use USMT to capture the user state (hardlink) while imaging. We are a K-12 school, so user data can include everything from 20 gigs of pictures and iTunes to a few megs of projects and papers. How would I go about this task- do I need to create a second task sequence for "reimaging" rather than my clean install image? How do add USMT to the WinPE pass? etc. All help is greatly appreciated!
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