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Everything posted by WAZZIE

  1. Hi All, I hope you are well, Currently I have an issue I have unsuccessfully been battling with for a few days now. The original plan was to have the sccm db running on a sql high availability always on group setup. 1 x primary server 1 x sup server 1 x dp server 2 x sql servers when I tried to install SCCM initially, on the clustered sql, I was getting issues with listener admin rights / ports Excerpt from sccm install log --------------- CWmiRegistry::GetStr: Failed to get string value MSSQLSERVER Configuration Manager Setup 06/03/2018 16:05:16 92 (0x005C) Failed to retrieve SQL Server instance name[MSSQLSERVER]. Configuration Manager Setup 06/03/2018 16:05:16 92 (0x005C) WARNING: failed to retrieve port number for XXX-SCCM-LST.ncc.local. Configuration Manager Setup 06/03/2018 16:05:16 92 (0x005C) WARNING: failed to retrieve port number for XXX-SCCM-LST.ncc.local. Configuration Manager Setup 06/03/2018 16:05:16 92 (0x005C) ---------------- End of Excerpt XXX-SCCM-LST = sql listener this is a named instance on the sql (SCCM) and the sql port is 1433 /broker 4022 Why is it looking for MSSQLSERVER ? why failing to retrieve port ? So - I recently gave up and installed SCCM on a named server (not the listener) (SERVER-A - which is to be used in the HA cluster) sccm installs and works fine. I have installed the DB on a single box, and SCCM is looking good and functioning / patched up to 1710 + hotfix. OK - So I think I can do SCCM site maintenance, and change the DB location to the SQL Listener. But no same errors in logs again. Any one got any ideas or further experience with sql availability groups and are we missing something simple. Hope to hear back from anyone Regards, WAZZIE
  2. Hi All, Hope you are all well, and sccm'ing away on the CBB I have been asked to look into a standalone task sequence from usb, which will include the djoin steps for a offline domain join. I went thru the djoin provision steps etc process manually in a lab, and got a fresh build win10 box to join the domain. but cannot seem to get this to work with vanilla sccm cbb. I have read articles that mdt has a specific step for this, but I'm not sure the boss wants mdt in place ?? Anyone got experience of a way to get this to work ? Regards, Wazzie
  3. Hi All, First apologise for the delay in updating. I have had the lab on all day today (the 2012 R2 lab) and been building / patching and generally POC'ing some stuff. The DP has been at 100 CPU all day, however still works fine. I will rebuild the whole lab from DC to SCCM, and position the roles on different servers and keep you posted if I can get the CPU on the DP to not be 100% all the time. Thanks guys - more soon.
  4. Hi Anyweb, Thanks for getting back to me on this. Yes hyper V host server 2012 r2 - fully patched. I will leave the 2012 r2 lab on for the next 8 hours and see what occurs. give it more time to settle. Thanks anyweb - Your the boss.
  5. Hi All I have now built 2 labs over Christmas period, both labs were 4 box solutions which work perfectly on 1606 from baseline media. Got them all working. deployments of software, osd patches everything I needed. Initial lab was on server 2012 r2 and sql 2012 - all service packed and patched up. Worked fine on 1606 - upgraded to 1610 and I get high CPU on smsexec on the box which functions as a DP (role) 2012 r2 lab Domain controller (test.local) DNS DHCP AD PRI - ADK 10.1.14393.0 DP (dp,pxe,fsp,scp,sup) MP (mp,appcatalogue,reporting services) SQL 2012 Didn't take snapshots so couldn't go back. The funny thing is I have high CPU but it still works fine on 1610 - all functionality is still working... Have recently (today) applied the hotfix for 1610 from servicing, and this has not cured the high cpu on the dp. So - I read the fantastic guide on building with server 2016, sql 2016 guide and built a second lab using all 2016 products. 2016 lab Domain controller (lab.local) dns, DHCP, AD PRI - ADK 10.1.14393.0 DP (dp,pxe,fsp,scp,sup) MP (mp,appcatalogue,reporting services) SQL 2016 Again this worked fine on 1606, everything doing what it should, osd, patching, deploy software. Then took this 2016 lab from 1606 to 1610 and again getting high cpu on my DP. I have 2 labs, both on 1610, both working, but the high cpu on my dp is present on both... Is this a known issue, or part of the 1610 additional functionality that I will admit I am unaware of ? If I add another CPU to the DP, then 1 cpu goes 50% usage - this is consistent on both labs. Any information or thoughts on where to look appreciated. Regards, Wazzie
  6. Thanks Anyweb - A reinstall of the client generally seems to be sorting the issue. so if I was going to deep dive this issue, in my mind concentrate on the effected clients ? once again thanks and regards.
  7. Hi Guys I have a little issue on a few clients where they will receive software deployments, yet seem to fail getting software updates. This is on a few clients which I have started resolving by reinstalling the clients manually. The overall sccm setup seems sound to me, as the majority of devices are getting software deployments and software updates delivered by sccm just fine. What the real difference here between software deployments getting to the client and SUP updates failing mostly with a Error 0x80244017 error Any advise, reading or areas to investigate appreciated. I will obviously keep on looking at this end !! Thanks All. Regards,
  8. Hi dudes and dudettes Just a quickie really - OK so I have Windows 10 being deployed by sccm 1602 all works fine. The image is the original Enterprise 1511 Apr16 update not touched in any way I want to play with APPLOCKER in my lab, however have not quite got it working correctly. after bit of reading and googling and testing in my lab, it looks very easy but I seem to missing something here and hope an extra pair of eyes may help me.!! I am only applying a few rules, these are enforced APPx / UWA rules, and I have started the AppID service. These rules were generated in AD GPO from a newly built device built straight from the MS ISO. (and domained) The applications get blocked but do not display the usual blocked message, they just hang with the progress bar underneath, like they are attempting to update. This surely isn't how it should be - I was expecting the YOUR ADMINISTRATOR HAS BLOCKED THIS APPLICATION MESSAGE which I have seen when logged in as the administrator. I have also tried to target a specific group with two normal domain users in to get these rules applied, but to no avail, at least not how I read it as working. From what I can see the only place to set rules is the computer part of the GPO, is there anything else to do on the user settings? Thanks for reading, any help or pointers appreciated Regards WAZZIE
  9. I am not as work at present and don't have it handy, however i think it was a 0x80004005 I will confirm tomorrow if that's ok niall. with a bit more info.
  10. Hi All, Recently I have been trying to bit locker devices during OSD on a 2008r2 domain, with sccm 2012 r2 sp1. the schema has been checked and is correct (the 5 entries are present) CN=ms-FVE-KeyPackage – attributeSchema object CN=ms-FVE-RecoveryGuid – attributeSchema object CN=ms-FVE-RecoveryInformation – classSchema object CN=ms-FVE-RecoveryPassword – attributeSchema object CN=ms-FVE-VolumeGuid – attributeSchema object CN=ms-TPM-OwnerInformation – attributeSchema object The ad DC's have the bitlocker tools installed, and I can see the 'bitlocker recovery key' tab for a device in ADUC. I have a AD GPO in place on an OU where the device exists in AD But my task sequence fails at the ENABLE BITLOCKER stage towards the end of the TS. The TS was created by sccm wizard, nothing special in it as yet. If I disable the DISABLE BITLOCKER, PREPROVISION BITLOCKER and ENABLED BITLOCKER steps in the TS and build the device, then enable bitlocker manually logged on to the device, it works and saves the key to AD, I am obviously missing something here, anyone know where I should look in the logs... The device is uefi and has secureboot enabled The OS is Windows 81 x32
  11. Anyone....... I am also seeing the osd date issue and oversized drivers issue with r2 Sp1. Needs a cu bad,y...
  12. Hi Fellow SCCM'ers ! I have an issue and would like to know if anyone has seen similar or can point me in the right direction !. I have installed a fresh primary site, its sccm 2012 r2 sp1. Client Deployment to existing computers has gone fine. Software deployment of a few apps not on the core win7 build works fine. Software center / App catalogue - all good Win7 Deployment works fine, Deploys win7 boxes onto my domain - and its all great, with all the software, much as expected nothing exciting. In a similar way to win7, I have built a VM win811 box, added dot net 3 support, patched it fully,and captured it via capture media (created from my 2012 r2 sp1) environment. Captured fine, all is good at this point. Created a new TS specifically for win811 requirement (yes I know 10 is just released but the business wants a little 811 action.) using above win811 image/wim No Software in the TS for win811 at present just want to see a base build for starters then I will move on to the software side specific for win811. - F8 trouble shooting support is enabled on my PXE boot wims Its a funny one, as win811 deploys fine in the end... . At or around the installing SCCM Client area of the TS, the F8 facility no longer works.... The TS seems then to take a long time at the win811 Finalizing settings screen, until after a long period, it will finally finish and win811 is there. The delivered win811 is fine, its domained, and the sccm 2012 r2SP1 client is present and fully working. The software center is working, and the App Catalogue all function. I cannot see why the F8 Faclity doesn't work from the SCCM Client install / initializing stage onwards. also the long delay / circular moving dots at the finalizing your settings stage leads me to believe it is failing and timing out, to the login screen. The fact after it times out, its all working is puzzling me. Anyone able to point me in the direction of where to look, or seen anything similar ? Any help appreciated.
  13. Hi All, I have what seems to be a slight issue, perhaps someone can think of a creative solution, as so far I cannot see a way past the issue. So here we go: I have implemented OSD, it works fine for all hardware in our environment. Laptops (with dedicated NIC) Desktops (with dedicated NIC) The Task sequence is advertised to unknown computers. The question relates to tablets. I can build all flavours of tablets the company wishes supported, however.... The support engineers have limited docking stations for the surface pro3's and other tablets, and the company dont want to purchase a dock with each device. I have suggested at least a usb to ethernet adapter for each device which was also frowned upon... The initial build of a single unit works fine, however the MAC for the Docking station is then associated with the device just build. If i come along with another surface pro 3 for example and put it in the same dock to build - it is no longer unknown to sccm (MAC address i guess) and does not pxe to build. (unless i delete the previously built device from sccm which has the docks MAC associated...) Am i being dumb here? I was thinking about deploying the TS to a collection and importing, but this will not solve the mac issue. Any able to help me think clearer or suggest anything !! I will keep thinking and googling !!!
  14. Excellent News ! Thanks peter - great stuff as usual. I will install in my dev env, then implement in live with more confidence now. Regards, WAZZIE
  15. Hi All, Quick Question, perhaps you know the answer or have experience of installing pcm in a similar environment. Does PCM 2.0.1 work on SCCM 2012 R2 CU1 ? Why is PCM supported only one year from release ? Last release was feb 2013, so this means its now out of support from MS? Simple questions, but i have not been able to find an authoritive answer from googleas yet !! Thanks and regards, Wazzie
  16. All, Just a quick question sccm and sql related. So MS have recently (june 10th) released SQL 2012 SP2 - fantastic news. However the page below: shows the currently supported sql versions. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682077.aspx#BKMK_SupConfigSQLSrvReq the supported sql's either has not been updated yet, or isnt supported. Any got insider info or tried this yet. I understand this is a very recent release and apprieciate if no one knows as yet. Once again thanks and regards, WAZZIE
  17. Thanks again peter! Tonights test was software updates from sccm2007 to sccm2012. The simple stuff i setup in sccm07 came across to sccm2012, no errors at all. i then went and copied the actual files manually and adjusted sources in sccm2012, Seems ok. I think i will migrate the sccm2007 items, then adjust all sources for all items ( patches, osd stuff, packages ) then actually try building, patching, and rolling out an app/package. I will keep you posted, once again thanks alot for listening to my noob questions!
  18. Thanks for the info peter, and i apologise for the double post. I was not sure where to post as this area looked Like it has not been visited for a while. Feel free to delete the other post to keep it clean. Ok so i played some more this evening, that coretech util is excellent. I could change my package source using it. Nice and useful for when you have loads of packages. I migrated my osd images, ts, boot etc. these again appeared in the new sccm 2012 environment, but all files and source location entries relating to them still point to the sccm 2007 server. Nothing errors. All says complete. Am i missing something here, does a migration just copy the entries across but not the files? This is similar to the package source issue really.... Or is this the way it works.
  19. I have been playing with the side by side migration tool in sccm 2012 and have a few questions. I built a test lab (lab.local 1X DC - win2008r2 running dhcp and dns 1X sccm 2007 sp2 r3 server 1X sccm 2012 r2 server I then went and configured sccm 2007 to do the following, which all work fine OSD , build, capture, patch at build Application delivery (single flash player application) Then built an sccm 2012r2 server (local sql etc) Ran the migration tool and specified the source hierarchy. This all worked well, found items to migrate etc. I then migrated various test bits, boundary, collection, and package. I noticed my package had migrated by the package source was still located on the sccm 2007 server. If I were to decommission the sccm 2007 server, this would then break. Do I need to manually recreate a package source, manually populate (copy) the source files / applications / packages across. - Then migrate and manually adjust the package source on the sccm 2012 server to point to the new package source and redistribute ? Any experience or pointers would be nice, as the tool itself looks to be really useful. Just wondering if I have missed something ?? Any pointers appreciated ! Regards WAZZIE
  20. All, I have a few questions about the side by side migration, and what I have tested on. I have built a lab (lab.local) I have a DC (dhcp,dns) 2008 R2 I have an sccm 2007 SP2 R3 single server 2008 r2 (sql local) The sccm 2007 works, it can capture, build and patch as part of the build process. It can also distribute software (flash for example) These have been tested as OK. I then thought I would play with the migration tool in sccm 2012 r2 I have also built an sccm 2012 r2 server (2008r2 - sql local) Did not configure anything on the box (as yet) I set up a source hierarchy, and done a few test migrations of collections, Applications, boundaries etc. It all seems good and appears in the new sccm 2012 server console. HOWEVER ! I also migrated my test Flash package, this again, seemed to work, however I am aware the package source still points to the sccm 2007 server, when looking at it on the sccm 2012 box. IF I was to decommission the SCCM 2007 box, the flash source file would go with it. Do I need to copy the packages share to the new sccm 2012 r2 server and manually change the package source ? then redistribute ? I will continue to play this evening, but anyones experience or clarification would help me clearer understand any further post migration tasks that I am missing. Thanks and regards in advance.
  21. Dredging the net, I don't seem to be able to find this ?
  22. I tried this but no dice. now trying without the double "" !! ok - it works now....it was my fault putting quotes on.... Sorry for being a bit slow today, however thanks for your help, as this has helped me test mdt2013 better. Im off to play some more with it.
  23. I tried this.... but it don't work
  24. Thanks guys, plenty of food for thought, and words of experience. I will have a play, maybe try the logic route via 2x apply os sections, but I can imagine this gets quite involved with conditions at most steps after the Apply OS is equated correctly. Its all about playing at present, try it, break it, and repeat. also excuse me for being a bit dim, but what is an HTA what does it stand for. is it the dialog boxes I see in my UDI or something else.?! once again, thanks!
  25. Morning Mr.Brady. Thanks for the de-dup fix. I have kept the TS's separate for deploy and capture, sorry if I didn't make this clearer, but your wealth of experience here will only make me remember never to even contemplate that as an option. So it looks like I am doing it right per se, but as you say, shouldn't have two different os's available in one UDI TS. So the answer is 2 MDT TS's one with 7 image - one with 81 image - take out the option to choose the OS from the UDI (as you will have already picked your poison as such. Then i'm good to play with MDT Further. Thanks for the swift response.
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