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Everything posted by WAZZIE

  1. hi all, Been going great guns with sccm and win7 deployments all achieved via the great help available on this site - congrats to niall on the MVP - no more than you deserve !! (been super busy documenting it all - hopefully get it to niall at some point so if any of it is useful it can be posted up - been saying that for at least 2 months now.....documentation seems never ending with this sccm project at present) MY PROBLEM : nothing on sccm has changed and it has been used to deploy win7 x64 for the last 2 month without issue. I have a task sequence with the usual bits in, one of which is apply updates which has also been working fine. however when i updated the update list with october 2010 patches, my task sequence now hangs at the - downloading 1 patch of 56... it doesnt get to the installing patch X of X.... I left one of the box's for 12+ hours and there was no change. From what logs i can see, it is just sitting there, and because it isnt timing out, im not getting an error (as far as I can see) however it is no longer applying the updates, or moving on to the next task in the sequence - software deployment. I have had a dig around in the forums here and on net, and cannot really find anything conclusive. However, as part of the task sequence i have the install config manager with no additional parameters. question(S): What is the exact syntax of the entries for SMSSLP and SMSMP ? Is this nessesary ? as it has been working fine without these set ? our server is called UEASCCMWEB01 do i just enter : SMSSLP=UEASCCMWEB01 SMSMP=UEASCCMWEB01 in the installation properties ? see screenie. Anyone else had any issue like this ? I have also taken out the october 2010 updates from the updatelist, and now my task sequence is working again, installing win7 , updates and software..... Any help or pointers would be nice - I will continue to investigate and keep youposted if I sort it. Thanks and regards to you all as always !! WAZZIE
  2. migration to win7x64 starts within the next week. lots of details on my experience coming soon !!!

  3. ok - believe i have 'fixed' this. Unless anyone has actually seen this issue and knows a different workaround. both models have the ATI HD3470 gfx card. the 960 driver from dell is slightly older than the 980 driver from dell. when i use the 960 driver (slightly older) things are cool when i use the new driver - 960 and 980 ask for admin credentials to finalise the gfx driver. Possibly a driver issue, however it also brought to my attention that in my task sequence, i was allowing sccm to pick the best driver from all the driver packages. hence once i loaded up the 980 drivers & package my 960 started going wrong aswell - with the same gfx card. the 960 got the 980 driver and started having issues. I think in my case im going to change my task sequence to be more specific about the driver packages it looks in for drivers, hopefully this will aviod issues like this in the future. Hope this makes sense, and helps anyone avoid similar issues in the future.
  4. Hi All, Things have been going really good with my packages and OSD. Until.... Someone comes along with a new model of pc - Dell Optiplex 980. I go to dell get all the 32 and 64 bit drivers and do the usual import and package for the drivers within SCCM. DP's are up to date. Then go for a test OSD on the 980 The 980 doesnt OSD as per all my other dell machines i have in SCCM. It fails. I will look into this.... I then go back and test a dell 960 which WAS working fine, and its works fully, however now comes up with an Administrator credentials prompt box after successfully installing via osd, all software is installed. Further investigation reveals that the credetials are required for the GFX card to finish installation ??? If i give credentials its ok (installs / finishes off) - if i click cancel its ok as when i cancel and look in device manager its already installed correct version. Anyone seen this before. I am a bit puzzled....
  5. Hi Anyweb - wasnt going to try it until back at work tomorrow, however i was bored so I followed your instructions using my test sccm setup at home, on a quick osd of win7 which was suffering the same issue. All good - worked like a charm. once again - i cant thank you enough. I will give info back on my software and osd rollouts once the pressure on the project dies down a bit. as yet i have documented very little - but i will do and your welcome to have it all and post anything you think would help or assist. look forward to more posts and interesting reading soon !!
  6. OK ! i will give it a go tomorrow morning and let you know. Thanks so much.!
  7. Specifically need the deployed os set as COUNTRY / REGION : UNITED KINGDOM TIME AND CURRENCY : ENGLISH(UNITED KINGDOM) KEYBOARD LAYOUT : UNITED KINGDOM If that assists anyone ! Look forward to any pointers !
  8. Hi all - I am having great success with SCCM and OSD. I now have 32 and 64 bit windows PXE'ing. It also installs some core applications (office / adobe reader / av software ) as part of task sequence and works a treat. However something i didnt really check is the language settings / keyboard etc. It has come to pass that anything i deploy is set to English(united states) - whereas i want it to be ENGLISH (United kingdom) I have read articles here about knocking up an unattend.xml and packaging it as part of the deploy TS. Is this the way to do it ? Anyone know if this is the way forward - i guess im just looking for reassurance before i give it a go. Look forward to any info on this, and once again, thanks everyone for your assistance thus far. Once my whole sccm project is up and running (and documented) I will pretty much give it all to ANYWEB to see if he wants to make use of any of it here as further resources to the already very comprhensive tutorials.
  9. Got osd deployments of win7 going fine, however they are all set to united states keyboard and local etc - anyone know a way round this. Looks like a unattend.xml - am i right ?

  10. WAZZIE

    Deploying 7 - Issues

    Hi Anyweb - i think i have now broken it completely!!! After posted here i googled the issue/ pxe error, and lots of people have had this or very similar before. Found Numerous suggestions along the lines of : removing WDS, removing PSP bouncing the boxe(s) then reinstalling wds (not configuring) reinstalling the psp may sort it. things started well, in that i could remove the wds, and rebooted. However from the SCCM Console i dont have permissions to remove the psp, so this is still as before. I have however re-added the wds (with no configuration) I am currently talking with the man who set this up to see if he can action, or get me access. He is not happy !!!! He reckons I have broken it !! I am now getting - 6319's PXE Control Manager detected PXE service point is not responding to PXE requests. The error is 16389. Possible cause: PXE service point is not started or not responding. Solution: Manually restart the PXE service point. Possible cause: WDS service is not responding. Solution: Manually restart the WDS service. Once i get this resolved i will try the drivers !! Thanks for the pointer on this regards, wazzie
  11. Hi all, Been working with sccm at previous job, mostly for the application/package rollout side of things. so i have some experience but not an expert. things went really well. Got a new job 6 months ago with the task of office 2007 rollout and OSD for win7 - sounds good. office2007 rollout went really well. Anyway i have now started to look into the OSD side of things. I didnt set the sccm environment up at this employer it was already in place. However me and a colleague are the chief 'users' in charge of getting win7 out via osd. I have read and re-read on numerous occasions the really helpful and complete procedures for OSD on here, and have gone thru as per procedures with our setup. Everything seems ok. as instructed had a look thru the vista one first and then moved to the win7 parts. However when i pxe boot a vmware client i get the message. See screenshot !! attached Is this an acccess issue ? I have googled and various suggestions are to remove wds and pxe sp and reinstall, but pxe requests are being furnished. I have yet to search these forums, but i am about to - hopefully someone has seen this issue and can help out. I have been trying for a few days now to resolve and am starting to lose interest and want to become a monk. thanks and regards inadvance. pxe issue.bmp
  12. Hi All !! Looking forward to adding to this community.

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