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  1. i was looking for way to set one-off timezone setting and found this. wow, It looks good and i am testing currently. thanks! i noticed this and i wondering if it is correct behavior. 1. if the computer which already enrolled more than 72hours, the task scheduler will not create and thus will not run. 2. if the computer which enrolled less than 72hours, the task scheduler will create and run. It will not run anymore, and the task scheduler entry will still be present. i have another question, if i do autopilot pre-provisioning and reseal the machine and shutdown. 72 hours later, i powered on and login, will it runs? i am testing this currently.
  2. Thanks. adding reboot after each of those steps seems work.
  3. yup, i have try to put all commands in a cmd file. however if the machine password is password5.bin , and the command is not put at first line, it will not remove the bios password. biosconfigutility64.exe /nspwdfile:"" /cspwdfile:"password1.bin" biosconfigutility64.exe /nspwdfile:"" /cspwdfile:"password2.bin" biosconfigutility64.exe /nspwdfile:"" /cspwdfile:"password3.bin" biosconfigutility64.exe /nspwdfile:"" /cspwdfile:"password4.bin" biosconfigutility64.exe /nspwdfile:"" /cspwdfile:"password5.bin"
  4. found out the below problem. If we have a machine bios password which is from password-global.bin and when this step is place at the first place compare to other bios password, it will successfully clear the password If we have a machine bios password which is from password-global.bin and when this step is place not at the first place compare to other bios password, it will fails to clear the password Any one manage to clear multiple bios password not matter how the it is placed in sccm task sequence?
  5. Dont work for me. I am using elitedesk 800 g2/3/4 My clearbios.cmd Pushd “%~dp0” biosconfigutility64.exe /nspwdfile:"" /cspwdfile:"password.bin" Popd i am very sure that the password.bin is really the password in the bios. Error msg in ts is “the operating system reported error 10. The environment is incorrect
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