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  1. Sir, I import the hotfix.it is showing in sccm server but only download option is highlighted, I select download highlighted option but it fails to download.pls suggest me
  2. Hi, While trying to update my sccm version from 1702 by following your blog, ServiceConnectionTool.exe -connect -usagedatasrc c:\temp\UsageData\usagedata.cab -updatepackdest C:\temp\UpdatePacks Running above command in internet connected machine with Server 2012 R2 OS and Both the visual C++ Redistributable x86 & x64 file installed and with .net Framework 4.7.2 . After above command for connect it is show an error as given below Uploading and downloading data is in progress. Please wait... ERROR: Prerequisites for this tool do not seem to be satisfied. Log file for ServiceConnectionTool attached. Can you please guide me to download sccm update files for my upgrade. ServiceConnectionTool.log
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