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Everything posted by Mrin

  1. Another query. If i used the settings as you suggested and used pre cache whether will it download all drivers model or will it download the required model only? I have noticed its downloading all driver models.
  2. Yes you are right. What I meant is we have SP4 drivers which is msi and that we can deploy during post processing apply setup based driver option.
  3. Thank you. Yes its same but i have selected cm cache as location. Another question what if some model doesn’t need any drivers like SP (we have msi which applied during post processing).whether task sequence will fail?
  4. Hi i know this is old post but i have some confusion. I need to add few drivers in our upgrade task sequence. I have created the task sequence but not yet clear about how to give variables in OS installation to install drivers. Only %drivers01% is enough or may i need to create multiple OS installation steps and provide variable accordingly
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