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  1. Hello, I still have the error cited above in DmpDeviceCertAuthModule.log but this does not correspond to the moment when I evaluate the conformity of bitlocker. The mpcontrol.log of DMZ server indicates the SSL is enabled. Have you been able to see my log file? Thank you
  2. Hello, I just sent you the client logs. Thank you
  3. I just found this on my server in DMZ: Maybe it's related Can I send you the logs in MP? ]LOG]!><time="12:01:22.108-60" date="01-21-2020" component="CertificateMaintenance" context="" type="1" thread="4816" file="Event.cpp:908"> <![LOG[Looking for cert with SHA1 hash 4xxxx in cert store My.]LOG]!><time="12:01:22.265-60" date="01-21-2020" component="CertificateMaintenance" context="" type="1" thread="4816" file="ccmgencert.cpp:1524"> <![LOG[CSP associated with MP Certificate does not support SHA256 signing. Using SHA1 signing]LOG]!><time="12:01:22.280-60" date="01-21-2020" component="CertificateMaintenance" context="" type="2" thread="4816" file="ccmgencert.cpp:5921"> <![LOG[Raising pending event: instance of CCM_ServiceHost_CertRetrieval_Status { ClientID = "GUID:65xx3-xxxx"; DateTime = "20200121120122.119000+000"; HRESULT = "0x00000000"; ProcessID = 2584; ThreadID = 7792; }; ]LOG]!><time="13:01:22.119-60" date="01-21-2020" component="CertificateMaintenance" context="" type="1" thread="7792" file="Event.cpp:908"> <![LOG[Looking for cert with SHA1 hash 4xxxxx in cert store My.]LOG]!><time="13:01:22.275-60" date="01-21-2020" component="CertificateMaintenance" context="" type="1" thread="7792" file="ccmgencert.cpp:1524"> <![LOG[CSP associated with MP Certificate does not support SHA256 signing. Using SHA1 signing]LOG]!><time="13:01:22.307-60" date="01-21-2020" component="CertificateMaintenance" context="" type="2" thread="7792" file="ccmgencert.cpp:5921"> <![LOG[No client certificate was negotiated. Async: 0]LOG]!><time="12:56:06.031-60" date="01-21-2020" component="DeviceCertAuthModule" context="" type="3" thread="6252" file="devicecertauthmodule.cpp:931"> <![LOG[Failing HTTP request with status code 403.7 with HR 0x0 and reason "Client certificate required"]LOG]!><time="12:56:06.031-60" date="01-21-2020" component="DeviceCertAuthModule" context="" type="3" thread="6252" file="devicecertauthmodule.cpp:119">
  4. Yes, the cert work with internet based clients.
  5. Yes I'm using HTTPS management point with PKI
  6. Hello, I installed MBAM on my SCCM server without problem. Everything works properly locally. I deployed a server in DMZ to be able to manage my clients on the internet. When I deploy Bitlocker via the local everything works, I have the Bitlocker window that opens to activate it. When I deploy bitlocker on a computer located on the internet, I have no window that opens and I have this in the logs: Unable to find suitable Recovery Service MP I use SCCM 1910 Thanks
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