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Everything posted by Prip

  1. should i unintall 1st the run the winrm, then re-install the portal?
  2. No I didnt, should i have done that first?
  3. Hey All, I am having a similar issue while installing the Portal: [server.local] Connecting to remote server server.local failed with the following error message : The client cannot connect to the destination specified in the request. Verify that the service on the destination is running and is accepting requests. Consult the logs and documentation for the WS-Management service running on the destination, most commonly IIS or WinRM. If the destination is the WinRM service, run the following command on the destination to analyze and configure the WinRM service: "winrm quickconfig". For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic. + CategoryInfo : OpenError: (server.local:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConnect,PSSessionStateBroken Get-CertificateFromSqlServer : Unable to export ConfigMgr SQL Server Identification Certificate from server.local At I:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\X64\mbamwebsiteinstaller.ps1:1214 char:16 + $success = Get-CertificateFromSqlServer $SqlServerName + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Get-CertificateFromSqlServer Install-MBAMWebSites : Failure acquring SQL identity certificate. At I:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\X64\mbamwebsiteinstaller.ps1:1367 char:5 + Install-MBAMWebSites -SqlServerName $SqlServerName -SqlInstanceNa ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-MBAMWebSites Uninstalling MBAM web site registry Note*: I have replace the real server name with "server.local". Also, the script was done by someone with BD Admin right to the SQL server. Any assistance would be appreciated
  4. I had checked some of the before laptops and saw the certs (SCCM and Client) in the MMC console on few of the laptops that I had checked. I was on a call with Microsoft for a different issue, I asked the engineer if the HTTPS was needed for Bitlocker in SCCM; he replied no, its not needed and can be done in the regular HTTP/HTTPS. Noting the sccm client are in PKI mode. He made note that only in the earlier version of SCCM 1910 was that a requirement, but not for SCCM 2006 version. Your take/experience?
  5. Hi Niall, Hope you are doing great. I was following your tutorial on migrating from MBAM to SCCM Bitlocker, as i am working on a project for a customer for same. Tutorial: https://www.niallbrady.com/2019/11/13/want-to-learn-about-the-new-bitlocker-management-in-microsoft-endpoint-manager-configuration-manager/#comment-2150 Background: They are currently using SCCM version 2006, and wanted to migrate bitlocker from MBAM. They already have a PKI infrastructure (AD Certificate Service), with the SCCM client showing being in PKI mode (in the sccm client). I followed your steps to enable https mode (as they are in HTTP/HTTPS mode) and when i did that it broke the environment, and the clients (across 15 regions) stopped connecting, so I reverted back. My question to you is, i want to continue and finish the project, can i do so without changing SCCM to full https mode? Thanks in advance for taking the time out to reply and assist, as well as to the forum members
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