Is this your first attempt using OSD, or are you deploying others successfuly? For the record, Deploying XP is harder than vista and win7 .
Looking at your first image in this post, I see you have GUIDS, as well as R numbers. That driver package source directory should not look like that.
If you're in a test environment, I recommend you (from the admin console, delete all drivers, and all driver packages, and start over, then walk through the steps I referenced from delltechcenter - if we can get back to that basic, we should be able to help you better. Use the .CAB download for XP on the 6410 on delltechcenter, and follow that process to import them - don't add anything to the driver package source.
oh yea, side note - I would still include this entry in sysprep.inf: UpdateInstalledDrivers=Yes . . . . for me, better safe than sorry.