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Everything posted by Phred

  1. Hello all - I'm trying out Windows 10 Servicing and on a 1607 machine, I can see the upgrade deployment and it downloads properly but then hangs after that at installing. UpdateDeployment.log ---- Update (Site_6486F88A-6CE4-45F7-865B-FB7832923564/SUM_2c038450-6726-4512-bd3b-a00f3bb0f865) Progress: Status = ciStateInstalling, PercentComplete = 100, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 11/3/2017 11:58:16 AM 3212 (0x0C8C) ---- UpdatesHandler.log ---- Initiating Scan. Forced = (0) UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)Successfully initiated scan for job ({20EC2A1E-4A8D-4C19-8F7B-BDEDDC616167}). UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)MTC task with id {B67FA1A2-40A2-4C07-885E-2546F2B45F0B}, changed state from 4 to 5 UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)No change in the handle state. Ignoring. UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)Scan completion received for job ({20EC2A1E-4A8D-4C19-8F7B-BDEDDC616167}). UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({20EC2A1E-4A8D-4C19-8F7B-BDEDDC616167}). UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)CDeploymentJob::InstallUpdatesInBatch - Batch or non-batch install is not in progress for the job ({20EC2A1E-4A8D-4C19-8F7B-BDEDDC616167}). So allowing install.. UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)Update (2c038450-6726-4512-bd3b-a00f3bb0f865) not added to the install batch as it might be an exclusive update or NonWSUS update UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)CDeploymentJob::InstallUpdatesInBatch - Resetting install flag to false as method is complete UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)CDeploymentJob::ExecuteUpdates - Batch or non-batch install is not in progress for the job ({20EC2A1E-4A8D-4C19-8F7B-BDEDDC616167}). So allowing install.. UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)Executing the updates for the job ({20EC2A1E-4A8D-4C19-8F7B-BDEDDC616167}). UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)Starting or resuming update (2c038450-6726-4512-bd3b-a00f3bb0f865). UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:42 AM 2732 (0x0AAC)CDeploymentJob::ExecuteUpdates - Resetting install flag to false as method is complete UpdatesHandler 11/3/2017 11:57:45 AM 2732 (0x0AAC) ---- The UpdateDeployment log says it installed OK and 1 time out of 4 it does work, but most of the time I manually reboot and nothing happens. One of my test machines says the upgrade was successfully installed. I can see that Modern Setup Host and Windows 10 Setup are running in Task Manager, but nothing happens. So my clients never restart on their own or ask for a restart and even when I do most of the time nothing happens.
  2. Here they are. ccmsetup-1-part.log smsts-1-part.log
  3. Hello all - Here is a weird problem. After an OS update, I can no longer use my 32bit WIM to reimage my test VM. The same image and TS works fine on a physical machine. The OS installs fine. The TS fails when trying to install the SCCM client. I can run the SCCM client manually after the TS fails. the ccmsetup.log file says: --- MSI: There is not enough available disk space on C: to complete this operation. Installation requires at least 90MB free disk space. ccmsetup 5/25/2016 8:25:20 AM 3468 (0x0D8C) --- Which is weird as I have a 40GB disk image assigned to the VM and after reimage I have 10GB free, so plenty of space. That got me thinking that maybe it didn't boot off the C drive with the OS. Looking deeper, at the beginning of ccmsetup.log it says: --- Detected 919 MB free disk space on system drive. ccmsetup 5/25/2016 8:23:22 AM 3468 (0x0D8C) --- Ok that is not good. So that got me looking into the smsts.log to see what is happening during the disk partitioning. The smsts.log says: --- Reading partition size info for partition 0 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Remaining size before partition: 42944186880 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) size units: SIZE_MB OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Set partition size: 367001600 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Remaining size after partition 0: 42577185280 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Set an environment variable for partitions 0-1 without drive letter OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Reading partition size info for partition 1 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Remaining size before partition: 42577185280 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) size units: SIZE_PERCENT OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) 100% size specified. OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Remaining size after partition 1: 0 OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Set an environment variable for partitions 0-2 with drive letter OSDDiskPart 5/25/2016 7:43:15 AM 1116 (0x045C) Volume C:\ has 42485960704 bytes of free space TSManager 5/25/2016 7:43:29 AM 1172 (0x0494) The volume C:\ exists and is a local hard drive. ApplyOperatingSystem 5/25/2016 7:43:30 AM 1920 (0x0780) The volume C:\ is using a valid file system. ApplyOperatingSystem 5/25/2016 7:43:30 AM 1920 (0x0780) Windows target partition is 0-2, driver letter is C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem 5/25/2016 7:43:30 AM 1920 (0x0780) --- So it looks like it did what I asked, create two partitions. The first is 350MB and the second takes up the remaining space. It doesn't assign a drive letter to the first partition and assigns C to the 2nd partition. Then we know it works because the OS gets applied properly. -- Applying image to C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem 5/25/2016 7:51:36 AM 1920 (0x0780) Applying image 2 to volume C: ApplyOperatingSystem 5/25/2016 7:51:36 AM 1920 (0x0780) Successfully applied image to C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem 5/25/2016 8:10:34 AM 1920 (0x0780) -- What I can't figure out is why it doesn't install the client. The Apply Windows Settings, Apply Network Settings, Apply Drivers all come back successful. On to OSDSetupHook part of the log: --- Executing C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\SFU00003\ccmsetup.exe /useronly /source:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\SFU00003 /config:MobileClient.TCF /status:628 OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:23:19 AM 3120 (0x0C30) Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %* OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:23:19 AM 3120 (0x0C30) Set command line: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\SFU00003\ccmsetup.exe" /useronly /source:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\SFU00003 /config:MobileClient.TCF /status:628 OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:23:19 AM 3120 (0x0C30) Executing command line: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\SFU00003\ccmsetup.exe" /useronly /source:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD\SFU00003 /config:MobileClient.TCF /status:628 OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:23:19 AM 3120 (0x0C30) Process completed with exit code 6 OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:27:21 AM 3120 (0x0C30) FALSE, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\osdgina\installclient.cpp,1151) OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:27:21 AM 3120 (0x0C30) Client installation failed, code 6 OSDSetupHook 5/25/2016 8:27:21 AM 3120 (0x0C30) --- This is where the error occurs. I'm guessing it is responding to the error from the ccmsetup.log failure. Anybody have any ideas why it would work on physical but not virtual? I've created a new TS using the same wim. I don't have another WIM to test right now. But then why would a WIM cause this problem? Thanks,
  4. Well of course I could use the computer name. Why that didn't pop into my head I don't know. I know I can do a wmi call. But was wondering how I would use _SMSTSMachineName? Going back over the smsts logs I don't see a variable being set with that name. I see "machine name" in the log files.
  5. I finally got the MDT variables to work within my SCCM TS. I don't know why when I added the Use Toolkit Package the first time it didn't work. Now it does. It sounds like I need to get more familiar with UDI, hope it works in 1602, and maybe transition over using it for the ability to allow end users to select how they want to image their computers. Thanks everyone.
  6. Hello all - I would like to start using Collection Variables but have a question about how SCCM knows which collection to use. I have a school site that the tech wants a different homepage for the three browsers for the library computers. Normally I would advertise the TS to the a collection that has all of the schools computers so the tech can always image the computers. If I create a collection for the library computers and create a collection variable for the library collection do I need to deploy the TS to the library collection as well? Since the library computers are in both the all school computer collection and the library collection how will SCCM know which collection it is apart of? And will it know to get the library collection variable so it can check it in the TS and deploy the proper software? Thanks,
  7. Hello all - I installed MDT 2013 u2 on my SCCM 1602 server hoping to add the ability to use some of the information that MDT gathers in my SCCM TS. So I followed the steps to install MDT and created a new MDT TS to create all the files, but now I'm stuck trying to find information on how to move forward. Do I need to shift all my SCCM TS to MDT TS? I like having the ability to select a task sequence to install. For now I want to add the gather ability from MDT into my current SCCM TS so I can use information to make my current TS more flexible. Zero touch is not quite what I need now. I like the SCCM flow we have now and just want to add some MDT to it. I don't want to redo everything now. Can someone point me to some resources that can help me? Thanks,
  8. Hello all - here is a weird one. When I view About Configuration Manager it says I'm running: 5.0.7958.1203 When I do: Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\software\Microsoft\SMS\setup Version : 7958 Full Version : 5.00.7958.1000 CULevel : 1 When I view the properties of my Site: Administration > Site Configuration > Sites > [site code] Build: 7804 I don't know why this would be. Any thoughts?
  9. Hi all - I'm running SCCM 2012 SP1. I tried booting an old machine that I have, I work in a school district so we have lots of old machines around, and it wouldn't boot with v6.2 of winPE. I'm going to need to be able to boot some old machines (PentiumM machines and such) and reimage them. I've tried adding the boot wims from my SCCM2007 install, but it keeps giving an error message that the wim is not finalized. I have WAIK installed on the SCCM 2012 server and it has version 6.1 of winPE, but when I create a new wim, SCCM2012 gives the same error that the wim has not been finalized. I even followed MS's instructions at: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh397288.aspx Has anyone been successful in getting an older winPE installed in SCCM2012? or will this never happen? Thanks,
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