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  1. First, sorry if this is in incorrect forums. I'm trying to get HP EliteBook Product Number from WMI with VbScript, but I can't find it anywhere! It used to be (in older models) like this: HP Compaq nw8440 (ES592EA#AK8), but newer models only give this: HP EliteBook 8530p. The info was taken from Win32_ComputerSystem / Model. Where could this model number info be now?
  2. And... <PersistAllDeviceInstalls>true</PersistAllDeviceInstalls> works... I don't understand the logic though. If I sysprep a computer and restart it, how is it possible that installation thinks it's different hardware...
  3. *Sigh* Another problem. It seems after sysprep Windows has reset the display adapter back to Standard VGA. This in turn has disabled standby modes completely.. EDIT: Seems like it might have something to do with generalize phase removing devices Trying this now: <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <PersistAllDeviceInstalls>true</PersistAllDeviceInstalls> </component>
  4. Success! I had the deleted user still in registry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList and after I deleted it I had no problems during the specialize phase!
  5. Nope. Too bad I don't have any time to test it more. Since the extracted ISO boots and installs just fine, I can live with it. It would just be a nice extra to skip the step of extracting the ISO to usb stick everytime the boot stuff changes...Instead only overwriting the ISO on the stick.
  6. Struggled today with my sysprep.xml which I thought I had already resolved. So this is what I've done. -Install Win7 -Software/Drivers etc... -Boot into Audit mode -Settings, shortcuts, disabling WMP Sharing service or whatever it is,delete unused accounts (the temporary account I installed software with), though I did it by deleting the user from compmgmt.msc and then deleting the profile folder, so this is probably the reason for my problems...(haven't tested it yet!) Anyway, continuing... -Copy my sysprep.xml to sysprep folder and run sysprep -Grab the image with Ghost -Restart the computer to see if OOBE goes ok Then I get this after a while: Windows could not parse or process the Unattend answer file for the pass [specialize]. The settings in the answer file cannot be applied. The error was detected while processing settings for component [Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup] Then I finally googled this: http://jamiebaldanza.org/2010/03/31/copyprofile-does-not-process-and-causes-windows-could-not-parse-or-process-the-unattend-answer-file-for-the-pass-specialize/ So probably I should just have deleted the account from "Configure advanced user properties" instead of deleting the user...But haven't had the chance to try it yet. But damn that it was hard to find! Will try it tomorrow and check in the results here... Also, just need to know one more thing: I installed this reference computer with Win7 Enterprise, and activated it with a MAK key. After I sysprepped it (without CopyProfile option, OOBE worked), it was still activated? How is this possible? I thought sysprep deactivates Windows...
  7. Have you tried it with MDT 2010? Maybe there's a difference how MDT 2010 injects drivers compared to 2008? It would explain how you got older hardware work with it (drivers included in Windows 7 standard image).
  8. Is windows 7 PE really so much different to Vista's ?
  9. Just tested deployment with the ISO _extracted_ to USB stick. Installation went to "Expanding Windows files", so we'll see if it works now. Wonder what the problem with the ISO is though.
  10. Has anyone tried to deploy Windows 7 from a MDT2010 share, but booting from an usb stick that has the litetouch files in an iso? I've used WinSetupFromUSB to create that stick, and have used it successfully for imaging purposes with Ghost. With Litetouch ISO, WinPE boots up really nicely, but for some reason LiteTouch fails when it start the installation procedure itself (copying files..expanding files etc). It comes up with a strange error that doesn't really give any clue to me...Not at my work pc right now so can't paste it here until tomorrow. First I thought that the reason was hard disk drivers or something, but then I noticed the Dell Latitude D800's I have for testing don't even have a SATA disk, only IDE. Also I remember once trying the deployment by booting from CD and that being successful. Virtual machines deploy without any problems, but then again they use cd-emulation with .ISO files. I'd like to have this work so that I could have both Ghost and Litetouch on the same usb stick, because I need them both, and CD is so much slower with booting WinPE. Also I don't have access to a WDS server, so that is out of the question too. Maybe it's a problem with grub4dos or whatever bootloader WinSetupFromUSB is using?
  11. Just to clarify it for myself - If Hardware inventory is set to run once every 7 days, that means my Java uninstallations in the beginning of this week don't count in the software reports yet? Unless I reduce the HW Inventory cycle for some smaller amount, eg. every 1 hour?
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