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Everything posted by Lucid

  1. 1. Set up a collection in SCCM that uses a membership query to check for the existence of the application (so only machines that don't have the version you're pushing out will show up in the collection). 2. Create your package and set your advertisement to always rerun. The machine shows up in the collection if someone uninstalls the app, or if it gets reimaged. And once it gets the app, it falls out of the collection. Here's an example of a collection query for Firefox: select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ResourceID not in (select SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID from SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = "Mozilla Firefox (4.0.1)" and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.Version = "4.0.1 (en-US)")
  2. If that doesn't solve your issue, for whatever it's worth... I use a Build and Capture task sequence to capture our XP image from a VMWare virtual machine, and this is the sysprep.inf file info I use: ;SetupMgrTag [unattended] OemSkipEula=Yes InstallFilesPath=C:\sysprep\i386 TargetPath=\WINDOWS UpdateServerProfileDirectory=1 [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes OEMSkipRegional=1 OEMDuplicatorstring="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" TimeZone=20 OemSkipWelcome=1 [userData] FullName="PC User" OrgName="MyCompany" ComputerName=* ProductKey=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 [TapiLocation] CountryCode=1 AreaCode=319 LongDistanceAccess="9" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=00000409 [identification] [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=0
  3. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but.... In a nutshell, "no". Pressing F12 is the boot operation, and is OS independent, and so the only way to do that would be able to have it PXE boot and automatically kick off the OS task sequence for the corresponding resource object; which you said you don't want. I saw in your original note that you use "OS/Software". Well, if you're booted into WinPE, you can't install software to the user's OS because you're not running it...
  4. Just about anything is possible. What happens now when you migrate a machine? And I assume that when you say "MDT2010" you're talking about in conjunction with SCCM, correct?
  5. It depends. Everyone's environment is different. For us, we use the 32-bit boot image 99% of the time since all our 64-bit hardware can support a 32-bit OS. There's a case every once in awhile where a machine doesn't like our 32-bit boot image and I've got to slap in our 64-bit boot image. But since that's faster than spending a day troubleshooting things to see why it's happening, we just go with the flow...
  6. Just tossing out my two cents on your two questions (guess that's a penny a question)... 1. Depending on your setup, yeah, you'll see the Windows Setup Wizard appear after capturing the image. It's just running that as a matter of course after doing the task sequence. If your capture was a success you can simply power off the machine - no need to finish it unless you want to poke around on the system to quickly see what got installed (or left out). If it really bothers you, you could probablly add a step to your task sequence to copy over a sysprep.inf file specifically for the capture machine so that when it's done it reads through it and finishes up without manual interaction. In my opinion it's not worth it (especially as XP is heading out the door - focus on the future and don't get too bogged down in little details unless they're critical). 2. Yeah, you can get rid of all the state capture stuff if you want. I think there's only like 3 or 4 task sequence steps that are a MUST HAVE. When in doubt, go in under the Options tab and select to disable them. That way if you find out you need them it's a quick click to uncheck the box and get them back.
  7. Just tossing some info gathering questions out there.... 1. Prior to this were you successfully capturing Windows 7 images? 2. In your capture task sequence do you only install the bare minimum needed drivers? Typically the image gets only the driver needed, and the rest are installed on-the-fly when the image is deployed to the production machines. 3. If you use a license key in the task sequence, did you verify that it is correct? 4. I'm not sure if it really matters, but... Are you capturing the image from a physical machine, or a virtual machine? if a physical machine, did you remove all non-essential devices (scanners, printers, etc) before starting the process?
  8. Google (or your preferred search engine) is your friend when looking for code samples. Here are just two that crop up when searching for "VBScript OSD computername": http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/elgwhoppo/archive/2010/08/17/naming-computers-during-osd.aspx http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2140-osd-using-vbs-for-machine-name-for-uknown-computers/
  9. Well, the client has an initial "check-in" time of 60 minutes. So it's got to check in before it knows it's got a new "check-in" time of 2 minutes. If you're focused on testing, if it were me, I'd either pre-populate the collection and wait an hour so all the clients know they now check in every 2 minutes, OR... I'd install the right-click tools so I could run the Evaluation cycle directly from the ConfigMgr console without having to access the machine http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/rhouchins/archive/2008/04/09/sccm-right-click-tools.aspx
  10. Ahh okay, you're doing a direct membership rule instead of a query. So when you add a resource object to your collection, it won't know about the 2 minute polling schedule until it checks in again. Which might not be for another 60 minutes (your site setting time). How long does it take to show up if your right-click it and tell it to run the Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle?
  11. In the TS driver item, did you check the box to do unattended installation of unsigned drivers? Also, just to double-check... Are you sure you added the drivers needed for WinXP on an E6420? No command is needed because the process relies on hardware device IDs. So you're just sort of telling it which pool of drivers the OS should look into...
  12. Have you tried: 1. Making a driver package in SCCM that only contains the drivers for the E6420 2. Adding an Apply Driver item to your Task Sequence (list it before any other driver items) that is limited to driver matching from only the E6420 driver package 3. Using a WMI query for that TS item in order to only have it run for that model select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where Model like "%E6420%"
  13. Very briefly... After making sure your script works when triggered manually... 1. Put all your source files and your script into a folder. 2. Use that folder to create a Package. 3. Create a Program with the command line pointing to your script file (use the Browse button if you want) 4. No need to map a network drive or use a letter since all the needed items are in the folder. 4. Update your DPs. 5. You can either run it from the DP, or download and run locally (the second option comes in handy with laptops and internet-based PCs if you're running in Native mode) And I'm a VBScripter, so I'd use a script more like this (this is just rough code and not a whole script): strScriptFileDirectory = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName) TempFolder = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") strSetupFilePath = strScriptFileDirectory & "\setup.exe" strCommandLine = """" & strSetupFilePath & """ /S /SMS /f1""" & strScriptFileDirectory & "\SETUP.ISS""" intReturn = objWshShell.Run (strCommandLine, 1, True)
  14. In your Task Sequence, for the step where you apply your drivers, do you have the box checked to do unattended installation of unsigned drivers? And if that doesn't help, are you doing selective driver installation using WMI queries, or are you simply telling it to install from all categories?
  15. What attached doc? And what has to happen is that the resource ID has to get added to your collection. After that, the client has to check in to see what's available. So how long does it take for the ID to show up in your collection?
  16. Well, this might be over the top, but... Have you tried restarting the server to see if maybe something is hung up? And have you Googled for the "80004005" error code to see if any of the solutions people have come across apply to your situation? Also, do your software deployments work fine? Is it just your OS task sequences acting odd? Maybe try using a task sequence to deploy something simple like Flash Player and see if that works....
  17. What does your collection membership query for the collection look like? Maybe it's using information that takes awhile to gather and report into SCCM...
  18. Is this for a WMI query? Did you try using "LIKE" instead of "EQUALS"?
  19. You have to specify a "name" to use when you load a user's registry hive. So in my case I just used "CustomizeDefaultUserProfile", and Thomas just happpend to use "DU". It can be called just about anything you want. If you want to get a better idea of what's happening, crack open Registry Editor and then highlight the "HKEY_USERS" area. Then select File | Load Hive and navigate to a user's profile (other than your own) on the machine. Select the NTUSER.DAT file and load it. Just be sure to highlight the loaded registry hive and select File | Unload when you're done...
  20. What happens if you create a brand new task sequence and advertise that to one of your clients? Does it execute?
  21. Lucid

    Unable to join domain

    Does the account you are using in the task sequence have rights to create computer account objects in that OU? DSACLS.exe "ou=YourOU,DC=yourdomain,DC=com" /I:T /G YourDomain\AccountName:CC;computer
  22. So at the end of your task sequence could you run a script to move the computer account from OU1 to OU2? Run it using the credentials for the domain account you use in the task sequence's Apply Network Settings section.
  23. Lucid

    Timezone Problem

    Do you use an unattend.xml file in your task sequences? Maybe you're setting the timezone elsewhere and the settings are conflicting?
  24. I figure I'll chime in here since nobody has tossed anything out. Take this with a grain of salt because we use a custom OSD HTA frontend that allows us to select a department and the script then queries SCCM and Active Directory to decide exactly which number to tag onto our naming convention. With that said... You might need to pre-populate the SCCM database with the MAC address and computer name. If you've got an incrementing computer naming convention you could write a VBScript (or whatever your prefered language is) to query the database looking for #1, and if it exists, look for #2, and if it exists, look for #3, and so on until it finds a name NOT in use. HOWEVER, you also need to query against Active Directory because there's the potential to have an SCCM client's account be in AD, but not in SCCM. Then you script could create a record within the SCCM database with that name and the MAC address of the machine being imaged. Then when your OS task sequence runs you don't have to fiddle with renaming...
  25. What exactly is "the package"? If you can tell us that, if it's a mainstream application, maybe someone has already run across this problem. Also, when you update the DPs for that package, in the package status, does it say that it updated successfully?
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