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thadkew last won the day on June 15 2016

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About thadkew

  • Birthday 06/27/1970

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    Louisville, KY
  • Interests
    College football
    Apple computers
    Making people laugh

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  1. Long shot, but worth trying: Check the BIOS date and time. Make sure it's accurate.
  2. Hey, Can you post a screen shot of that task sequence step? I'd like to see what command you're using. I have 1607 and no issues making a directory.
  3. bcsdtech: That's awesome that you have that. So, why do you have it run ThinInstaller AND the apply driver steps? Isn't that performing the driver install twice? Would it be better to install just the LAN driver and then have it go through the rest and install the drivers through ThinInstaller? Thanks!
  4. Do you mean you want to clear out the temp directory? We have a step in our task sequence that removes and recreates the c:\temp folder (others as well) and cleans out the windows\temp folder. Just add a group called Cleanup in it, put a few Run Command Line steps with their commands: (For Cleanup c:\temp) cmd /c rd /s /q c:\temp (For Create c:\temp directory) cmd /c md c:\temp (For Cleanup c:\windows\temp) cmd /c del /f /q c:\windows\temp\*.* (For Cleanup c:\perflogs) cmd /c del /f /q c:\perflogs*.* (For Cleanup Windows Update directories) cmd /c del /f /q c:\windows\softwaredistribution\datastore\*.* & cmd /c del /f /q c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\*.* (For Cleanup ConfigMgr logs) cmd /c del /f /q c:\windows\ccm\logs\*.* (For Cleanup Event Logs) powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command "& {wevtutil el | Foreach-Object {write-host "Clearing $_"; wevtutil cl "$_"}}"
  5. Morph, Completely understand that. Been there, friend. I know Niall has many tutorials in the other forums that might help ya. Once you get one put together that works well, you'll hardly ever touch it again. Good luck to you!
  6. You downloaded the latest Windows ADK and got the DISM that came with it?
  7. Here is our MDT-integrated task sequence. (Please note that we use 1e Nomad in our environment because we have folks that image PCs all over the US and it makes it easier to get the content to them). As you can see, we're using the MDT Toolkit and MDT CustomSettings to control a lot. It might be beneficial for you to recreate your task sequence as an MDT-integrated task sequence.
  8. Our SCCM task sequence is a tad different. It's a bit longer and ours is an MDT aided task sequence (with the gather and use toolkit package, etc) Have you integrated MDT with SCCM and can you use that? I notice that ours lays down the image, runs a gather then runs the apply windows and network settings steps. Then there's a Configure step that runs before the Setup Windows and Config Mgr step. We never have had it take longer than 90 minutes to complete our imaging. Is that out of the realm of possibility for you to be able to use?
  9. Gotta agree with this one... If it's deployed to all systems and a random user goes into Software Center and sees it, I can only imagine how insane it might get. As far as deleting the record, if you're using MDT and the front end for that, add a button to delete the record via powershell. It's not too hard. The front end is an HTA. If you're using SCCM, you might want to develop something like this. We use it at my company and the technicians love it.
  10. Suggestion: Lay down the image run a software update step install your packages run another software update step install mcAfee and update the definitions run any customization steps (branding, cleanup temp files, etc) delete the mcafee guid capture the image
  11. Cannot join domain, install mcafee and then disjoin... Don't do that. leave it off the domain.
  12. No. The deployment share you have would be fine.
  13. Can you post a screenshot of your TS? Are you using a newly created PE image?
  14. M, So your process is pretty similar to ours in that we build it and capture it. However, what we do is we have a build sequence that actually adds the updates in real time, so we don't let it bake for a day or so while updates are applied. In our environment, we're using SCCM for updating. It may be a good idea for you to collect the update and apply it during the build process. Simply add the updates to your deployment share, call it during the task sequence and then you can continue your capture at the end. As far as customizing your start menu, this would all be controlled via an XML file. What we do is to create a package with the XML file (it's pretty simple) and then "install" that with a powershell script (essentially copy it to the proper folder). To figure this one out, I went to this site to learn how to export to an XML. The task bar was a little more involved. In our case, we don't want the Edge icon or the AppStore icon on the task bar. So, there are a few steps to resolve this: 1) you'll need to create a package that will add a reg key to the default hive. This reg key is essentially creating a "run once" command for HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce 2) Then I created a folder called QuickLaunch\User Pinned\TaskBar with the shortcuts for the items we wanted available (very small: Outlook, IE11, command prompt, file explorer) 3) created a ps1 file that copies that folder to the right location. I hope some of this helped. I'm sure I've forgotten to add a lot of stuff that you might need, but if you need more help, just let me know!
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