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Everything posted by danzu

  1. By my last finished task sequence with an optiplex 980 i have got the same problem at the end. It asked my for admin credential to install the gfx-card... but this driver is in the main 980-driver-package, i will check it again.
  2. danzu

    Starting Task Sequence

    I found the problem on my own... In my "Task Sequence" at the end, where the software packages would be installed, was a package (PRO0004D) which wasn't included in the DP... I was too long looking at the wrong place
  3. danzu

    Starting Task Sequence

    The Log ist looks like a little help... I also checked de cab-driver file from Dell. I have the newest one, but it seems that i used the winPE 2.1 on the clients... For Win7 there is the winPE 3.0, could that be the problem? I'm now trying to update my boot image...
  4. danzu

    Starting Task Sequence

    Thanks for the answers... Drivers shouldnt be a problem, for the WinPE Packages we have 154 driver included, all from the dell site (we are using Dell-Computers). F8 support ist enabled. I checked the the network settings in the console, it was really weird... first it didnt saw the network card, after a short brake i tried again and it showed the right network settings. Coult it be, that the client is the slow too handle it?
  5. I tried to deploy my task sequence with windows 7. The Client machine booted correctly from PXE and has a connection to the sccm Server. Then it runs the "Initializing Windows PE" After that for just a second the message "Preparing Network configuration" apears, than it cancelled the process. One time it runs fine and then this problem... We build the Drivers, drivers package, task sequence, advertisement, collections new... We restarted the server many times... Has anyone an idea?
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