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Everything posted by Kevin79

  1. I am new to the Configuration Manager environment that I am currently in although I have managed Configuration Manager in a different environment for years. My current organization has ADR's set up to deploy updates. There are two ADR's, one for Windows and one for O365. They both run weekly (they say it is incase updates are release out of schedule) and apply to our beta group immediately with the deadline 1 day after and the rest of the computers after 7 days with the deadline 7 days after that. What happens if the following scenario happens? Microsoft releases updates on the second Tuesday (March 10)and the ADR picks them up. Beta group is released to immediately (March 10) with a deadline of Wednesday (March 11). The rest of the computers are scheduled to get the updates 7 days later (March 17) with a deadline the following Tuesday (March 24). Microsoft releases an important security update on March 13. Do the clients still get the original updates on March 17 with a deadline of March 24?
  2. I am wonder, what benefits does Windows Update 4 Business provide of Windows Update? As far as I can tell it doesn't provide any and you loose the granularity of denying a patch if you need to. Also, how many people use WU4B as opposed to regular Window Update in Configuration Manager?
  3. I have what is probably a dumb question. If I have a mandatory assignment, the reboot option is not shown unless System restart under User Experience is checked, correct? If so, if I check that and then check to suppress notification on Servers and Workstations under User Experience, the result will be the same as it would have been if I didn't check the System restart box, correct?
  4. Can you choose what updates get approved? I didn't see it in the document. There have been instances where an update breaks some application and we have to delay applying it until we have it fixed.
  5. You can configure it to allow controlled updates to clients that never connect to the domain or local network?
  6. I want to make sure I understand this correctly. If I want to deploy Windows Updates to clients that are on the internet (part of our domain but never VPN in) and have those computers download the updates directly from Microsoft, I would only need to setup a Cloud Management Gateway and PKI (if not using AAD) or use Azure AD, correct? If not, what would I need to setup to do this?
  7. I currently use machine based deployments but as more and more software seems to go to use bases licensing, I'm thinking of shifting to user based deployments. I have a few questions though. Is user based deployments the future? Is MS guiding users towards using it or is it still based on each application? How do I move from machine based to user based while still keeping it on machines that currently have the software? Are there any downfalls to using user based deployments?
  8. I have a task sequence that runs in Windows that is used to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10. The task sequence ran fine until I install Configuration Manager 1910, now it stalls with the status "Waiting to install". Since it is before the task sequence can actually run, I can't check smsts.log for issues. What other log file should I look at? Has anyone experienced the same thing?
  9. I haven't approved any feature packs above 1809. Some computers seem to be ingoring SCCM for the feature packs and going to MS, thus installing them (1909). While I look into why they are doing this, is the a group policy setting that will allow me to turn of installation of feature packs from MS? In case it matters, all of my clients are running Enterprise edition.
  10. How do I only do a mandatory assignment to users primary devices?
  11. Is there a way to deploy software to a users device only and make all other devices they log into "available"? For examle: User A regularly logs into computer A, so SCCM makes them the primary user. User A then logs in compuer B one time so it is not their primary device. I want the software the is deployed to User A to install automatically on computer A but only be available to install in Software Center on computer B.
  12. Nevermind, I think I got it.
  13. I hope this is the correct forum. I have a task sequence the upgrades Windows 7 computers to Windows 10. I also have devices that have Office 2010 and want to upgrade those to Office 2016 when Windows gets upgraded. Is there a way to check to see if a current version of the application is installed and if it is, install another application or even set a TS variable?
  14. I have Endpoint Protection and Defender configured with SCCM. Most clients report correctly but there are some that don't update virus definitions and/or don't report on when the last time they ran a full scan was. What logs should I look at to troubleshoot this?
  15. Here it is. smsts.zip
  16. How big should the log files be? I made the change and did as setup, I got 2 smsts logs that are around 5MB each.
  17. It uses the unmodified WIM from W10 1809.
  18. Have you had a chance to look at the logs?
  19. This is great. Is there a way to have it "time out" and continue on with the upgrade if either the computer isn't logged on or the user doesn't respond in a certain amount of time?
  20. I zipped the 3 SMSTS files. The computer name is us-war-w0051 smsts.zip
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