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Everything posted by Kevin79

  1. I don't see anything that stands out to me regarding the client.
  2. I've got a weird issue. I use an OSD task sequence in Config Manger to install Windows 10 on new computers. Up until recently, it was working perfectly. Now when I deploy a new computers, if I look under Assets and Clients > Devices, I can find the computer but it shows Client as No. If I search for the GUID that the Configuration Manager client uses, it shows the name as "unknown". How do I get these to sync up?
  3. Kevin79


    Is there a report that will list the computers, primary users and last time a certain program was used? Software Metering is turned on.
  4. Should I not use the option on Administration > Site Configuration > Sites > SiteName > Hierarchy Settings > Client Upgrade?
  5. I don't understand what you want. It is version 1902.
  6. How do I set up a non-reboot upgrade? I don't see that option.
  7. I think I got it figured out. I was using lower case letters. I didn't realize it was case sensitive.
  8. Sorry to revive such an old post. I followed the guide and the WindowsSetupCompatibilityScanResults.ps1 script run and shows the results that it is supposed to, however, the variable WindowsSetupCompatibiltyScan never gets set. What could be wrong?
  9. I want to update the client on my computers. A lot of the computers are running old clients. I haven't done the upgrade because one of the updates reboots the computer. Is there a way to have it automatically upgrade clients but not force the reboot?
  10. I know you can unlock drives during OSD when you use MBAM. Is it possible to do this when you don't use MBAM but instead use AD to store the keys?
  11. How do I set up my task sequence and settings so that it prepares the partitions during OSD but doesn't actually bitlocker it until after I join to the domain?
  12. I want to use Stand-alone media to install systems that aren't currently connected to our domain. The computers will eventually be connected and joined to the domain. Is there a way to enable bitlocker and install MBAM during the OS install and have it register in the MBAM database when it joins to the domain?
  13. I have SCCM CB and also use SCEP. Some of my clients aren't updating the SCEP definitions. What log do I look in to troubleshoot? I don't see anything in the EndpointPotectionAgent.log file.
  14. Anyone? Here is a better explanation of what I am seeing. It is exactly the same as this person. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/de926475-345c-48ce-86c3-dbbfde160cd8/installing-multiple-language-packs-in-windows-10?forum=win10itprosetup
  15. I'm doing it like you show. I should add that if I select another language as my display language during OSD it will display in that language so I know the language packs are installing correctly. For example, I have my task sequence always install the German and English language. If I choose French, the display language is french but it installs English, French and German. The operating system will be in French but it doesn't show English or German as being installed if that makes sense.
  16. I'm installing some language packs during OSD. After W10 is installed and running, should I see those language packs listed in the "Region & language" settings? Currently, I do not but if I "Add a language" and choose one that I installed during OSD, it asks for an admin username/password but then installs without going out to the internet so it looks like at least the bits are installed. Is this expected bahavior?
  17. I autoname my computers based on whether it is a notebook or desktop. Currently, I use a WMI query to differentiate the computers. The query is "Select * from Win32 Battery where Battery status is > 0". This query works for everything but Surface Pro's. It thinks they are desktops. Is there a query of some sort to differentiate Surface Pro's from desktops?
  18. Thanks but I already have a reboot before the software install.
  19. I want to deploy applications during my OSD. The applications have OU requirements in the application requirements so it installs the application in the correct language. It used to work (prior to CB 1706) by adding the the key "Distinguished-Name" in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine with the computers OU in the registry to trick SCCM. As of CB 1706, this doesn't work anymore. How is everyone installing applications during OSD that have OU requirements?
  20. I have an Automatic Deployment Rule setup to deploy EP updates and I followed the guide here when I created it. The size of it is 2.5GB though. Is there a way to cut the size down and/or not have it keep so many expired updates in it? It seems to keep updates for about 10 days before it clears them even though they are expired. How do I limit the number of days worth it keeps?
  21. How soon in the task sequence does SCCM create its variables, specifically the DefaultGateway001 variable.
  22. I am trying to decommission an old server that was a DP. The SCCM console says it is in SMS Provider (see attachment) but if I run the powershell command to list SMS Providers, it doesn't show up (see attachment). I can't remove the server because SCCM won't uninstall the Component Server from it. How do I get rid of it? I've tried the solutions https://prajwaldesai.com/error-while-removing-the-component-server-role/ and http://paulstather.blogspot.com/2015/06/sccm-2012-removing-old-site-system.html?_sm_au_=iVV6stqZ78WSJZjr without any luck.
  23. Ok, thanks. I should be able to figure it out.
  24. I have a question based on the Windows 10 version of this script (MMS-2016-Windows-10-UEFI-BitLocker-HTA), there is a group called "If UEFI and BitLockered", with the step "Connect to Network Share". In the description, you say "if you don't want to connect to a network share, copy the script to you boot win file instead". How do I do this?
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