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Everything posted by Loganater

  1. I am receiving this error when attempting to open the application catalog. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Loganater

    WSUS/SCCM Packaging

    Good morning, I have a question regarding how the package in WSUS integration interacts with the workstation/server. Does the entire package download to the server/workstation or does the workstation/server grab only the patches in that package it needs? Also does SCCM do a staggered approach to the deployment? I am asking these questions because we host 400 workstations and a 2.5GB package of XP updates, and roughly the same for 7. Thank you
  3. Instead of using subnet discovery I decided to use Active Directory spefiying a OU that the test computers reside. Thanks!
  4. Good morning, I have just completed the setup instructions for sccm 2007 r3 which were awesome BTW. I have setup my boundry for just one floor right now for testing purposes using a subnet. Over the weekend we did the AD schema update and created the systems container. I setup the client agents discovery method to default because this is a production environment. I am not seeing any workstations in the "all systems" collection and I assumed that all the workstations in the subnet would show up so I could push the client to them. 1. Is there a way to trigger this automatically to scan the subnet? 2. Are my logs showing any errors I do not see them highlited in red using sccm toolkit. 3. What may I be missing? I created 2 user accounts: 1. smsread 2. smsadmin And followed your instructions on this site. Right now the 2 accounts that have access to the System resource in AD is smsadmin, and the server, they have full access. Do I need to grant smsread access too? Thanks ccm.log MPSetup.log
  5. Good morning, I am having problems with sysprep. My capture windows xp task sequence is successful all the way to the point of running sysprep command failure on prepare os step. The error I am receiving on the Windows PE screen is: Error - 0x00000001 Here is my Log: <![LOG[LOGGING: Finalize process ID set to 1896]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.390+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="tslogging.cpp:1489"> <![LOG[!sVolumeID.empty(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,467)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="resolvesource.cpp:467"> <![LOG[!sTSMDataPath.empty(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,1395)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="resolvesource.cpp:1395"> <![LOG[TS::Utility::GetTSMDataPath( sDataDir ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\osdgina\osdsetuphook.cpp,174)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="osdsetuphook.cpp:174"> <![LOG[Failed to set log directory. Some execution history may be lost. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="3" thread="1900" file="osdsetuphook.cpp:191"> <![LOG[Executing task sequence]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="osdsetuphook.cpp:286"> <![LOG[!sVolumeID.empty(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,467)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="resolvesource.cpp:467"> <![LOG[!sTSMDataPath.empty(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,1395)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="resolvesource.cpp:1395"> <![LOG[Task Sequence environment not found. Task sequence completed in Windows PE.]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1288"> <![LOG[uninstalling Setup Hook]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1424"> <![LOG[Could not delete the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\OSDGINA.DLL. Error code 5]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.421+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="utils.cpp:709"> <![LOG[Marking the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\OSDGINA.DLL for deletion on Reboot]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.484+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="utils.cpp:733"> <![LOG[successfully removed C:\WINDOWS\system32\OSDGINA.DLL]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.500+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1179"> <![LOG[Could not delete the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\OSDSETUPHOOK.EXE. Error code 5]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.500+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="utils.cpp:709"> <![LOG[Marking the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\OSDSETUPHOOK.EXE for deletion on Reboot]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.593+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="utils.cpp:733"> <![LOG[successfully removed C:\WINDOWS\system32\OSDSETUPHOOK.EXE]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.593+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1179"> <![LOG[successfully removed C:\WINDOWS\system32\_SMSOSDSetup]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.750+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="basesetuphook.cpp:1216"> <![LOG[hMap != 0, HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\environmentscope.cpp,136)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.750+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="environmentscope.cpp:136"> <![LOG[m_pGlobalScope->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,321)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.750+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="environmentlib.cpp:321"> <![LOG[open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,414)]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.750+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="environmentlib.cpp:414"> <![LOG[Finalizing logging from process 1896]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.750+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="tslogging.cpp:1736"> <![LOG[successfully finalized logs to SMS client log directory from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.781+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="1" thread="1900" file="tslogging.cpp:1536"> <![LOG[Cleaning up task sequencing logging configuration.]LOG]!><time="08:46:24.781+300" date="11-03-2010" component="OSDSetupHook" context="" type="0" thread="1900" file="tslogging.cpp:578"> Here is my sysprep.ini config ;SetupMgrTag [unattended] OemSkipEula=Yes InstallFilesPath=C:\sysprep\i386 [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword="Dogbert01" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 OemSkipWelcome=1 [userData] ProductKey=removed FullName="NCDST" OrgName="NCDST" ComputerName=* [TapiLocation] AreaCode=919 [setupMgr] DistFolder=C:\sysprep\i386 DistShare=windist [identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes What is odd when I look in C: for sysprep folder I do not see it after the task sequence fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. The solution to this problem was to change the password under accounts in SCCM for network access account. Thanks!
  7. Good morning, I need your help since my review is due tomorrow. I have no problem deploying Windows 7 but XP is a headache! Right now I am receiving the failed to connect to error. I have updated the DP, and verified files. Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:46 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:46 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:49 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:50 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:53 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:53 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:56 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:56 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:59 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:18:59 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:02 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:02 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:05 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:05 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:08 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:09 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:12 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:12 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Attempting to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026". TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:15 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Retrying download... TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:15 AM 1184 (0x04A0) dwErr, HRESULT=80070056 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,517) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Failed to connect to "\\DST-SCMT4.DSTT.DST.LOCAL\SMSPKGC$\DST00026" (86) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) !slistSMBPaths.empty(), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2163) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) FALSE, HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,1635) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Content location request for DST00026:18 failed. (Code 0x80040103) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) pTSPolicyManager->GetContentLocations( m_sPackageID, m_lSourceVersion, m_dwContentSourceFlags, slistContentLocations, slistHttpContentLocations, slistMulticastContentLocations, m_dwContentPackageFlags ), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,2330) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) (*iTSReference)->Resolve( pTSPolicyManager, dwResolveFlags ), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,2862) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) m_pSelectedTaskSequence->Resolve( m_pPolicyManager, TS::Policy::TaskSequence::ResolvePolicy | TS::Policy::TaskSequence::ResolveSource, fpCallbackProc, pv, hCancelEvent), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,1208) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040103) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) ResolveAndExecuteSelectedTaskSequence( 0, 0, 0 ), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,2113) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) RunWizardForPXE(), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,2402) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) oTSMediaWizardControl.Run( sMediaRoot, true, true ), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstrap.cpp,937) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Execute( eExecutionEnv, sConfigPath, sTSXMLFile, uBootCount, &uExitCode ), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstrap.cpp,1106) TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Exiting with return code 0x80040103 TSPxe 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 1184 (0x04A0) Execution complete. TSBootShell 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 764 (0x02FC) Finalizing logging from process 752 TSBootShell 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 764 (0x02FC) Finalizing logs to root of first available drive TSBootShell 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 764 (0x02FC) LOGGING: Setting log directory to "C:\SMSTSLog". TSBootShell 11/2/2010 10:19:18 AM 764 (0x02FC)
  8. I am running on Windows Server 2008 R2, does this mean I cannot change to pxeboot.n12?
  9. Thanks I will check that out when I return to work. I have the exact same situation as that post I made sure F12 was not an option but it still shows up for some odd reason on the client. Also should I change those boot files x86 and x64 in WDS, right now I am using the default ones? -Logan
  10. Anyone have any recommendations? I need to present this test project Thursday to management and this is the only part that is holding me up Thanks
  11. 2. I am using vmware player and have only checked "host only" in the network settings but I have not added any network drivers. The only NIC drivers I added were of the host machine hoping the VMware would pick that up, I am fairly new to vm. 3. Screenshots attached 4. I am not sure why it says it needs to be authorized I went into Windows deployment service and made sure that was not enabled.
  12. If a screenshot of the pxe boot will help just ask and I can post it.
  13. Virtual Windows 2008 R2 SCCM 2007 SP2 Eval AD DHCP DNS IIS WDS Virtual Windows 7 Good morning, and happy Friday! Today is my birthday, my car overheated, and my SCCM is not working so any help would be appreciated I followed the amazingly awesome SCCM installation, and configuration guide on here. I have avertised a task sequence to all systems which has a client I imported. My virtual client recognizes the DHCP server, receives a IP, and says its connecting to the server but then it takes a while and fails out, my task sequence will not run it will not even get into windows pe. This is the smspxe log any ideas? <![LOG[sMSPXE Provider starting ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.894+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="main.cpp:226"> <![LOG[================= PXE Provider loaded. =====================]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.913+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="smspxe.cpp:142"> <![LOG[init Policy Provider settings]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.913+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:232"> <![LOG[Machine is running Windows Longhorn. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=0)]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:1740"> <![LOG[Reloading PXE Provider Settings. cached=0]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:297"> <![LOG[Loaded PXE settings from reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Identification: SMS Site Settings: Server: WIN-BBVL4E98LAT SiteCode: DST Parent SiteCode: <empty> ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:389"> <![LOG[Cannot read the registry value of MACIgnoreListFile (80070002)]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:456"> <![LOG[Loaded PXE settings from reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\PXE: PXE Settings: IsActive: Yes SupportUnknownMachines: No MACIgnoreListFile: <empty> ResponseDelay: 2 CacheExpire: 3600 HTTP Port: 80 HTTPS Port: 443 IISSSLState: 0x0 BindPolicy: Exclude <empty> TRK: <non empty> SiteSignCert: <empty> Root CA Certs: <empty> PXE GUID: 0766cc47-ee5a-46d9-b5b2-473978c9696b PXEPassword: <non empty> ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:571"> <![LOG[Loaded TFTP settings from reg key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSSERVER\Providers\WDSTFTP: TFTP Settings: Directory: C:\RemoteInstall ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:754"> <![LOG[MAC Ignore List Filename in registry is empty]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:766"> <![LOG[Loaded Database settings from reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\PXE: Database Settings: Server: WIN-BBVL4E98LAT Database: SMS_DST User: <empty> Password: <empty> Use Integrated Security: No Impersonation Required: No ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:964"> <![LOG[PXE Provider Settings Changed]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.927+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:317"> <![LOG[Querying Database for Cert with GUID: 0766cc47-ee5a-46d9-b5b2-473978c9696b]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.928+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:628"> <![LOG[inside GetPxeCert]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.928+240" date="10-29-2010" component="SmsPXE" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:776"> <![LOG[Executing PxeGetCert(0766cc47-ee5a-46d9-b5b2-473978c9696b)]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.969+240" date="10-29-2010" component="SmsPXE" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:806"> <![LOG[CDatabaseProxy :: GetPxeCert succeeded: 0766cc47-ee5a-46d9-b5b2-473978c9696b \\WIN-BBVL4E98LAT <non empty>]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.970+240" date="10-29-2010" component="SmsPXE" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:878"> <![LOG[Loaded PXE settings from DB: PXE Cert: <non empty> ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.970+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:632"> <![LOG[site Code: , Parent Site Code: ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.970+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:637"> <![LOG[Executing PXE_GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP(DST)]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.970+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:934"> <![LOG[GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP: SiteType=2 DefaultMP=WIN-BBVL4E98LAT.DSTT.LOCAL ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.971+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:981"> <![LOG[site Type: 2]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.971+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:643"> <![LOG[GetUnknownMachineResource (DST,x86):]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.971+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:1126"> <![LOG[unknown machine resource not found]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.972+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:1152"> <![LOG[GetUnknownMachineResource (DST,x64):]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.972+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:1126"> <![LOG[unknown machine resource not found]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.972+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:1152"> <![LOG[Loaded PXE settings from DB: Unknown machine GUIDs: (x86) , (x64) ]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.972+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="provsettings.cpp:648"> <![LOG[initializing PXEPerfObject.]LOG]!><time="09:25:07.994+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="smspxe.cpp:404"> <![LOG[Executing LookupDevice(, 00:00:00:00:00:00)]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.017+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:394"> <![LOG[CDatabaseProxy :: LookupDevice succeeded: 0 0 0 0]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.018+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="database.cpp:444"> <![LOG[Failed to read PXE settings. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.018+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="3" thread="1648" file="bootimagecache.cpp:119"> <![LOG[Failed to read PXE settings. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.018+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="3" thread="1648" file="bootimagecache.cpp:119"> <![LOG[Found new image SMSPKG\DST00001]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.050+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="bootimagemgr.cpp:915"> <![LOG[Opening image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00001\boot.DST00001.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.052+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:276"> <![LOG[Failed to read PXE settings. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.059+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="3" thread="1648" file="bootimagecache.cpp:119"> <![LOG[Found Image file: C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00001\boot.DST00001.wim PackageID: SMSPKG\DST00001 ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Architecture: 0 Description: Microsoft Windows PE (x86) Version: Creator: SystemDir: WINDOWS ]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.059+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="bootimagemgr.cpp:715"> <![LOG[Closing image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00001\boot.DST00001.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.059+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:312"> <![LOG[Mutex was not owned. Now have ownership.]LOG]!><time="09:25:08.060+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="TSBoot.h:696"> <![LOG[Opening image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00001\boot.DST00001.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.422+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:276"> <![LOG[Applying image 1 to volume C:\Windows\TEMP\PXEBootFiles]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.425+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:466"> <![LOG[Closing image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00001\boot.DST00001.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.640+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:312"> <![LOG[Found new image SMSPKG\DST00002]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.643+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="bootimagemgr.cpp:915"> <![LOG[Opening image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00002\boot.DST00002.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.644+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:276"> <![LOG[Failed to read PXE settings. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.647+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="3" thread="1648" file="bootimagecache.cpp:119"> <![LOG[Found Image file: C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00002\boot.DST00002.wim PackageID: SMSPKG\DST00002 ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Architecture: 9 Description: Microsoft Windows PE (x64) Version: Creator: SystemDir: WINDOWS ]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.647+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="bootimagemgr.cpp:715"> <![LOG[Closing image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00002\boot.DST00002.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.647+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:312"> <![LOG[Mutex was not owned. Now have ownership.]LOG]!><time="09:25:10.649+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="1648" file="TSBoot.h:696"> <![LOG[Opening image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00002\boot.DST00002.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:11.807+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:276"> <![LOG[Applying image 1 to volume C:\Windows\TEMP\PXEBootFiles]LOG]!><time="09:25:11.810+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:466"> <![LOG[Closing image file C:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\SMSPKG\DST00002\boot.DST00002.wim]LOG]!><time="09:25:11.992+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="wimfile.cpp:312"> <![LOG[PXE Provider finished loading.]LOG]!><time="09:25:12.020+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="1" thread="1648" file="smspxe.cpp:188"> <![LOG[[] Recv From:[] Len:274 101c8b0]LOG]!><time="09:27:19.638+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="248" file="smspxe.cpp:663"> <![LOG[Executing LookupDevice(46746E94-D140-497A-8C46-5463A8F006FD, FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)]LOG]!><time="09:27:19.651+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="4792" file="database.cpp:394"> <![LOG[CDatabaseProxy :: LookupDevice succeeded: 0 0 0 0]LOG]!><time="09:27:19.652+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="4792" file="database.cpp:444"> <![LOG[MAC=FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF SMBIOS GUID=46746E94-D140-497A-8C46-5463A8F006FD > Device not found in the database.]LOG]!><time="09:27:19.652+240" date="10-29-2010" component="smspxe" context="" type="0" thread="4792" file="pxehandler.cpp:349">
  14. I am also experiencing this same issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  15. There were two reason I received this error: 1. I was pointing to the file instead of the folder when creating a package. 2. I was using the 32BIT version on a x64 OS. Thank you all for helping out I have resolved the problem!
  16. I followed the above procedure with a MSI and I am still receiving a error 0x80070643 is there anyway I can check a log to see what is failing?
  17. I am having trouble deploying java 6 update 21 to Windows 7. I have ran the same command line manually on the machine and it runs silenty with no problems. Here is what I have done: 1. Created java 6 update 21 package 2. Listed package in distribution 3. Created task sequence 4. Added a new program under java with the command line code - jre-6u7-windows-i586-p-s.exe /passive IEXPLORER=1 When the task sequence runs on the computer I receive error: 0x80070653 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  18. I am currently receiving this error when capturing a operating system (0x80070035), any suggestions? Thank you
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