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Everything posted by 2ez24get

  1. When booting to a task sequence I am looking for a way to password protect a task sequence while running WinPE. I would like to prompt for a password at the beginning of the task sequence. The script needs to loop back to the task sequence list if the password for the specific task sequence is not entered correctly. I need to prevent some contractors from running the wrong task sequence when building systems. Thanks SCCM 2007 r3
  2. I had to change the SMS Agent Host and SMS_EXECUTIVE services to disabled then reboot the server. Then the server patch would apply. Reset the services back to Automatic then reboot. To apply the patch to the existing workstations I use the command in an advertisement CCMSETUP.EXE /noservice mp:sccm-dr.hc.ad SMSSITECODE=DRA FSP=sccm-dr.hc.ad SMSSLP=sccm-dr.hc.ad PATCH="sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp" Thanks.
  3. I have deployed the sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp via SCCM Software Package. msiexec.exe /p sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v %TEMP%\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous The Hotfix shows up in the list of installed Windows Updates. When I try to install the 2007 R3 Configuration Manager Console on a win7 or Win XP workstation with R2 it errors with a message "2007 R3 Requires Configuration Manager 2007 QFE KB977384" I got the R3 to finally install by running the SCCM2007-SP2-KB977384-ENU.msi interactively. The MSI will not install with the msiexec /a SCCM2007-SP2-KB977384-ENU.msi /qn command. I would like to install the MSI version remotely but cannot. The msiexec log is below. DEBUG: Error 2726: Action not found: ExitDialog Internal Error 2726. ExitDialog Action ended 13:13:16: ExitDialog. Return value 0. Action ended 13:13:16: ADMIN. Return value 1. === Logging stopped: 11/18/2010 13:13:16 === MSI © (EC:5C) [13:13:16:075]: Product: Software Update for ConfigMgr 2007 SP2 (KB977384) -- Installation operation completed successfully. MSI © (EC:5C) [13:13:16:091]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Software Update for ConfigMgr 2007 SP2 (KB977384). Product Version: 4.0.6487.2157. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 0. [uPDATE] I figured out how to fix it. The command I needed to use was. msiexec.exe /i sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-enu.msi /qn Now I can install the R3 Configuration Manager.
  4. Last week I finished pushing out the KB977384 hotfix ahead of SCCM 2007 R3 upgrade. Today I finished installing the R3 on the server. I am trying to configure the OEM Prestage but need some help. I have my task sequence which works for Bare metal builds and wanted to either modify the existing TS to include the OEM Prestage or create another TS. If someone has examples or a link I could follow. Thanks.
  5. I have USMT offline working with SCCM 2007 R2 but I have a problem if I do not delete the computer from Active Directory before the build. I am using the Unknown Computers collection to assign the Computer Name during the Task Sequence. The OS build works correctly when I delete the compueter name from AD before the build. If I do not remove the computer account the process assigns a MININT-xxxxx and joins that name to the domain. What can I do to fix this issue. Thanks.
  6. I do have a VBS script in a package and run it from the TS via a run command line like the tech article say's to do. I have tried the following script computername.vbs from MDT 2010 and it fails to run in the task sequence. I get an error that the oEnvironment variable has not been defined. Option Explicit Dim numCount Dim strComputerName Dim objOSD Dim mname strComputerName = InputBox ("Please enter a name for the new computer:" ,"New Computer Name",mname,10,10) if strComputerName = "" Then Wscript.Echo "You must enter a computer name." Else oEnvironment.Item("OSDNEWMACHINENAME") = strComputerName oEnvironment.Item("OSDCOMPUTERNAME") = strComputerName End If
  7. I have a working Online Windows 7 OSD with the Unknown Computers Collection in SCCM 2007 SP2. I want to make a Offline USB deployment. I want a script to prompt for a Hostname before the Applying Operating System in the TS. If someone can post step by step procedure. I tried the MDT computername.vbs but it did not work. Do I need to add a TS Variables? Thanks.
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