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Everything posted by tdhchris

  1. finally, got it capture. turns out the boot image was bad.
  2. The error I am getting is the remediation failed;Code 8027000c. I just created a new driver package and uploaded the drivers to my boot image. I am hoping this will resolve this issue, any input will be great!! after i reboot the computer, i get this error. i have included a picture.
  3. I have looked over several guides and several different methods of capturing Windows 7, but it seems that I am getting stuck at the sysprep process. Any ideas/information would help! Here is my task sequence.... 1. Join Domain/Work Group. (In the case I am leaving the domain and joining work group) 2. Prepare Windows for Capture 3. Prepare Configuration Manger Client for capture 4. Set Task sequence variable. (OSDTargerSystemRoot)(Value= C:\Windows) 5. Capture Operating System Image The task sequence starts ok, it reboots,kicks the computer off of the domain and into the workgroup. I initiate the log in by using the local administrator account. The boot image gets downloaded and the sysprep process starts but then suddenly stops. Here is the smts error log. smsts.log
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